[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: enhancing type classes with properties
Alberto G. Corona
agocorona at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 17:19:46 EDT 2008
Also in my weblog:
2008/10/23 Alberto G. Corona <agocorona at gmail.com>
> It seems that some of the goals are not so hard. here I publised my
> progress.
> http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dd5rm7qq_165rshp74gf&pli=1
> I show how to define a Ring, such a mathematical structure in Haskell, how
> to instantiate the class Num as a Ring , how to (possibly in other moment of
> space-time) instantiate a new class as Num and how to test the axioms for
> the new class.
> All of then is something like a sophisticated "assert" mechanism, but , I
> think, much more flexible and elegant.
> 2008/10/22 Alberto G. Corona <agocorona at gmail.com>
> I guess that the namespace thing is not necesary. Maybe it can be done in
>> template haskell. I never used TH however. it is a matter of inserting code
>> here and there and rewrite rules somewhere at compile time. It´s a nice
>> project. I´ll try.
>> 2008/10/22 Mitchell, Neil <neil.mitchell.2 at credit-suisse.com>
>>> Hi Alberta,
>>> It's a lot of work, but I wish you luck :-) Many of the underlying tools
>>> exist, but there definately needs more integration.
>>> Thanks
>>> Neil
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>>> investment research. Please follow the attached hyperlink to an important
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Alberto G. Corona [mailto:agocorona at gmail.com]
>>> *Sent:* 22 October 2008 4:23 pm
>>> *To:* Mitchell, Neil
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: enhancing type classes with
>>> properties
>>> Hi Neil,
>>> I see the contract type mechanism and safety check techniques reflected
>>> in the above paper are a good step, But I think that something more
>>> general would be better. What I propose is to integrate directly in the
>>> language some concepts and developments that are already well know to
>>> solve some common needs that I thing can not be solved without this
>>> integration:
>>> To make use of:
>>> -Quickcheck style validation. By the way, Don Steward recommend to add
>>> quckcheck rules close to the class definitions just for better
>>> documentation
>>> - Implicit class properties defined everywhere in the documentation
>>> but impossible to reflect in the code (for example the famous monad rules:
>>> return x >>= f == f x etc )
>>> - The superb ghc rewrite rule mechanism (perhaps with enhancements)
>>> - object style namespaces, depending on class names.
>>> To solve problems like
>>> - code optimization
>>> - code verification. regression tests for free!!
>>> - The need for safe overloading of methods and operators (making the
>>> namespaces dependent not only on module name but also in class names) . Why
>>> I can not overload the operator + in the context of a DSL for
>>> JavaScript generation if my operator does what + does?
>>> - strict and meaningful rules for class instances.
>>> - to make the rewrite rule mechanism visible to everyone
>>> 2008/10/22 Mitchell, Neil <neil.mitchell.2 at credit-suisse.com>
>>>> Hi Alberto,
>>>> Take a look at ESC/Haskell and Sound Haskell, which provide mechanisms
>>>> for doing some of the things you want. I don't think they integrate with
>>>> type classes in the way you mention, but I think that is just a question of
>>>> syntax.
>>>> http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~nx200/ <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/%7Enx200/>
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Neil
>>>> This material is sales and trading commentary and does not constitute
>>>> investment research. Please follow the attached hyperlink to an important
>>>> disclaimer
>>>> *<www.credit-suisse.com/emea/legal>*
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* haskell-cafe-bounces at haskell.org [mailto:
>>>> haskell-cafe-bounces at haskell.org] *On Behalf Of *Alberto G. Corona
>>>> *Sent:* 22 October 2008 1:43 pm
>>>> *To:* haskell-cafe at haskell.org
>>>> *Subject:* [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: enhancing type classes with properties
>>>> I´m just thinking aloud, but, because incorporating deeper
>>>> mathematics concepts has proven to be the best solution for better and more
>>>> flexible programming languages with fewer errors, I wonder if raising the
>>>> type classes incorporating axioms can solve additional problems.
>>>> At first sight it does:
>>>> class Abelian a where
>>>> (+) :: a -> a -> a
>>>> property ((+))= a+b == b+a
>>>> this permits:
>>>> 1- safer polimorphism: I can safely reuse the operator + if the
>>>> type and the property is obeyed. The lack of ability to redefine operators
>>>> is a problem for DSLs that must use wreid symbols combinations with unknow
>>>> meanings. To use common operators with fixed properties is very good. the
>>>> same aplies for method names.
>>>> 2- the compiler can use the axions as rewrite rules.
>>>> 3- in debugging mode, it is possible to verify the axiom for each
>>>> value a generated during execution. Thus, a generator is not needed like
>>>> in quickcheck. The logic to quickcheck can be incorporated in the debugging
>>>> executable.
>>>> 3 guaranties that 1 and 2 are safe.
>>>> a type class can express a relation between types, but it is not
>>>> possible to define relation between relations.
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