[Haskell-cafe] Hackage Improvement Ideas

Thomas M. DuBuisson thomas.dubuisson at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 14:40:22 EDT 2008

> 1) Popularity statistics -- like debian's popcon, gives stats on how
> many people have which packages from hackage installed

Popularity has been suggested for some time.  I think any new features
should be going into the happs version of Hackage
( http://code.haskell.org/hackage-server )
Though it seems not to have seen patches in recent weeks.

It also might interest you to know hackage has a trac:


> What else should hackage do?
Automate HPC, and quickChecks.
Automatic package dep graph.
Decentralize and distributed file serving (packages would need signed).
Package signing.

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