[Haskell-cafe] Spine-lazy "multiqueue"
Ryan Ingram
ryani.spam at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 05:14:17 EDT 2008
Here's an infinite structure with logarithmic access time with natural
numbers for keys.
It's not particularily efficient for a sparse map, but if the maximum
used key is linear in the size of your problem, it gives log(n) access
However, an infinite fold of insert is still _|_; you have to
construct with "fromAscList" if you want to initialize the map with
some infinite data. This is because otherwise there is no way to know
that we are "done" with the head of the map; some later value in the
list might replace it. The use of the ascending list lets us know
after we've passed key n, we can construct the map up to at least n.
*NatMap> lookup (fromAscList [(v,v) | v <- [0..]]) 42
Just 42
> module NatMap where
> import Prelude hiding (lookup)
> data NatMap v = NatMap (Maybe v) (NatMap v) (NatMap v)
> empty :: NatMap v
> empty = NatMap Nothing empty empty
> replace :: Integer -> Maybe v -> NatMap v -> NatMap v
> replace k v (NatMap e l r)
> | k < 0 = error "NatMap: negative key"
> | k == 0 = NatMap v l r
> | low == 0 = NatMap e (replace high v l) r
> | otherwise = NatMap e l (replace high v r)
> where (high,low) = divMod k 2
> insert :: Integer -> v -> NatMap v -> NatMap v
> insert k v = replace k (Just v)
> delete :: Integer -> NatMap v -> NatMap v
> delete k = replace k Nothing
> lookup :: NatMap v -> Integer -> Maybe v
> lookup (NatMap e l r) k
> | k < 0 = error "NatMap: negative key"
> | k == 0 = e
> | low == 0 = lookup l high
> | otherwise = lookup r high
> where (high, low) = divMod k 2
> fromAscList :: [(Integer, v)] -> NatMap v
> fromAscList [] = empty
> fromAscList ((0,_):(0,v):xs) = fromAscList ((0,v):xs)
> fromAscList ((0,v):xs) = NatMap (Just v) l r where NatMap _ l r = fromAscList xs
> fromAscList xs = NatMap Nothing (fromAscList xs_l) (fromAscList xs_r)
> where
> xs_l = [ (high,v) | (k, v) <- xs, let (high,low) = divMod k 2, low == 0 ]
> xs_r = [ (high,v) | (k, v) <- xs, let (high,low) = divMod k 2, low == 1 ]
-- ryan
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