[Haskell-cafe] Re: Is there already an abstraction for this?

Larry Evans cppljevans at suddenlink.net
Sat Oct 18 17:48:06 EDT 2008

On 09/23/08 01:01, Jake Mcarthur wrote:
 > Hash: SHA1
 > The first thing I thought of was to try to apply one of the recursion
 > schemes
 > in the category-extras package. Here is what I managed using 
 > - - Jake
 > -

 > data Expr' a
 >   = Quotient a a
 >   | Product a a
 >   | Sum a a
 >   | Difference a a
 >   | Lit Double
 >   | Var Char
 > type Expr = FixF Expr'
 > instance Functor Expr' where
 >     fmap f (a `Quotient` b) = f a `Quotient` f b
 >     fmap f (a `Product` b) = f a `Product` f b
 >     fmap f (a `Sum` b) = f a `Sum` f b
 >     fmap f (a `Difference` b) = f a `Difference` f b
 >     fmap _ (Lit x) = Lit x
 >     fmap _ (Var x) = Var x
 > identity = cata ident
 >     where ident (a `Quotient` InF (Lit 1)) = a
 >           ident (a `Product` InF (Lit 1)) = a
 >           ident (InF (Lit 1) `Product` b) = b
 >           ident (a `Sum` InF (Lit 0)) = a
 >           ident (InF (Lit 0) `Sum` b) = b
 >           ident (a `Difference` InF (Lit 0)) = a
 >           ident (Lit x) = InF $ Lit x
 >           ident (Var x) = InF $ Var x

According to:

   cata :: Functor f => Algebra f a -> FixF f -> a



ident must be:

   Algebra f a

for some Functor f; however, I don't see any declaration
of ident as an Algebra f a.  Could you please elaborate.
I'm trying to apply this to a simple boolean simplifier
shown in the attachement.  As near as I can figure,
maybe the f could be the ArityN in the attachment and
maybe the a would be (Arity0 ConBool var).  The output
of the last line of attachment is:

   bool_eval:f+f+v0=(:+) (Op0 (OpCon BoolFalse)) (Op0 (OpVar V0))

however, what I want is a complete reduction to:

   (OpVar V0)

How can this be done using catamorphisms?

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