Object-oriented programming, Haskell and existentials
oleg at okmij.org
oleg at okmij.org
Wed Oct 15 06:05:51 EDT 2008
Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> I was just pointing out that the mechanism for doing the OO thing
> exists in Haskell too, albeit looking a little different.
Indeed there is a mechanism for doing OO in Haskell -- several of
them. Most of them have nothing to do with Existentials. In the
OHaskell paper,
Ralf Laemmel has collected all known to us methods of doing OO in
Haskell. Incidentally, three years ago Lennart Augustsson described a
simple, Haskell98 method of emulating OO, without existentials. We
give him credit in footnote 4.
The OOHaskell paper then goes to demonstrate how to do *all* of the
known OO in Haskell, with all its inherent complexity: depth and width
subtyping, upcasting and safe downcasting, nominal and structural
subtyping, and the whole issue about covariant methods.
Derek Elkins wrote:
> In general, to encode OO you need quite a bit more than existentials.
> As you are probably aware, there was a cottage industry in the mid to
> late '90s working on encodings of OO languages into System F + foo
> calculi. They just about gave up on a complete encoding until someone
> figured one out. 'turns out all you needed was recursive bounded
> existential quantification.
Not necessarily. Again, please see the OOHaskell paper. The full story
is that there are several encodings of objects -- using closures and
using existentials. The former are *far* simpler. ML-ART (which later
evolved in the 'O' of OCaml) chose the more complex encoding -- and
hence had to add equi-recursive types, existentials and universals to
Caml -- only because of a potential safety issue with closures. A
constructor of an object may invoke methods that may access fields
that are not initialized yet. This problem is present in all OO
languages, and the common `solution' is an admonition ``not to do
that''. Clearly Didier Remy has higher standards, and he went into
considerable pain to solve the problem. Incidentally, Haskell can
solve this problem in a simpler way. We critically rely on the fact
that all effects must be done in a monad. Therefore, in OOHaskell we
can safely use the simpler encoding for objects.
Regarding existentials, the web page
demonstrates how to systematically eliminate existentials. In fact,
the object encoding via existentials can be easily transformed into
the encoding that uses only simple, first-order types. The web page
begs a question if there is ever any real need for existentials.
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