[Haskell-cafe] Multi-line string literals are both easy /and/elegant in Haskell

Matt Morrow mjm2002 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 19:44:19 EDT 2008

On 10/13/08, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> Cool. Is there any progress on getting GHC to *not* freak out when you
> ask it to compile a CAF containing several hundred KB of string literal? :-}

Yes and no. There's dons' compiled-constants pkg which has a solution:


And the code below would do all the haskell-side work for importing
the data from C, but I'm not aware of a way to have ghc not freak out
if it has to compile a huge amount of static data.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module FromC (fromC) where
import GHC.Ptr(Ptr(Ptr))
import Foreign.C.Types(CChar)
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe(unsafePackAddressLen)
import Data.ByteString(ByteString)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib

-- |
-- If in asdf.c == @unsigned char stuff[1024] = {42,.....,19};@, then
-- > $(fromC "./asdf.c" "stuff" "dat")
-- will produce:
-- > foreign import ccall unsafe "&" stuff :: Ptr CChar
-- > dat :: ByteString
-- > dat = unsafePerformIO (case stuff of
-- >                           Ptr addr_0 -> unsafePackAddressLen 1024 addr_0)
fromC :: FilePath -> String -> Int -> String -> Q [Dec]
fromC cfile cvar bytes hsvar = do
  let hsname = mkName hsvar
  t <- [t|ByteString|]
  e <- [|unsafePerformIO
          (case $(varE . mkName $ cvar) of
            Ptr addr -> unsafePackAddressLen bytes addr)
  return [ ForeignD (ImportF CCall Unsafe "&" (mkName cvar)
                    (AppT (ConT ''Ptr) (ConT ''CChar)))
         , SigD hsname t , ValD (VarP hsname) (NormalB e) []]

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