[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] Haskell Cheatsheet v1.0

Adrian Neumann aneumann at inf.fu-berlin.de
Sat Oct 11 01:59:30 EDT 2008

Thank you for your work! I just glanced over it but I'll suggest it  
to be linked to from the homepage of my university's functional  
programming course.
However, thirteen pages can hardly be called "cheatsheet". It's more  
like a quick reference.

You could add [100,99..] "infinite liste of numbers from 100  
downwards" to you "numbers" section, as it is an example where the  
range does go backward.


Am 11.10.2008 um 01:08 schrieb Justin Bailey:

> All,
> I've created a "cheat sheet" for Haskell. It's a PDF that tries to
> summarize Haskell 98's syntax, keywords and other language elements.
> It's currently available on hackage[1]. Once downloaded, unpack the
> archive and you'll see the PDF. A literate source file is also
> included.
> If you install with "cabal install cheatsheet", run "cheatsheet"
> afterwards and the program will tell you where the PDF is located.
> The audience for this document is beginning to intermediate Haskell
> programmers. I found it difficult to look up some of the less-used
> syntax and other language stumbling blocks as I learned Haskell over
> the last few years, so I hope this document can help others in the
> future.
> This is a beta release (which is why I've limited the audience by
> using hackage) to get feedback before distributing the PDF to a wider
> audience. With that in mind, I welcome your comments or patches[2].
> Justin
> [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/ 
> CheatSheet
> [2] git://github.com/m4dc4p/cheatsheet.git
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