[Haskell-cafe] Functional progarmming at JAOO

Robert Pickering robert at strangelights.com
Fri Oct 10 05:28:05 EDT 2008

Hi Simon,
Thanks for link! I attended JAOO and there were some great talks on programminng langauges, I really enjoyed Guy Steele's introduction to Fortres and Eric Meijer's "Fundamentalist Functional Programming", as well as Anders Hejlsberg's talk, and there were also talks on Scala and F#. I've not been to that many confrences but I all the same I judged this to be a unusally high interester in programming languages for an industrial conference. I got a real fealing that people are much more read to look at "alterative" languages for their projects, I think this can only be good for haskell and the wider FP community in general.

From: Simon Peyton-Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Sent: 09 October 2008 20:55
To: "haskell-cafe at haskell.org" <haskell-cafe at haskell.org>
Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Functional progarmming at JAOO 


Anders Hejlsberg, the chief designer of C# and a very influential person at Microsoft, gave a keynote talk at JAOO Aarhus last week about "Where are programming languages going".  Some of you may have mixed feelings about Microsoft but I thought you might still be interested in this talk because he gives a strong plug to functional programming (and F# in particular, although Haskell gets a mention).  FP is one of the three major trends he identifies, the others being concurrency and dynamic languages.


The FP section starts 22 mins in.

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