[Haskell-cafe] synchronous channels in STM
David Leimbach
leimy2k at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 11:28:24 EDT 2008
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 3:10 PM, roger peppe <rogpeppe at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was wondering if it was possible to implement synchronous channels
> within STM. In particular, I'd like to have CSP-like send and recv
> primitives
> on a channel that each block until the other side arrives to complete
> the transaction.
> I think I've convinced myself that it's not possible, but
> anyone care to differ?
Hi Rog!! (Plan 9/Inferno Rog?)
<-- isn't that it?
see writeTChan and readTChan. I assume readTChan is synchronous :-).
writeTChan may be asynchronous for all I can tell (haven't looked deeply).
But I did write a concurrent prime sieve with it:
module Main where
Haskell Concurrent and sometimes parallel prime sieve of eratosthenes
<leimy2kNOSP at M@mac.com>
David Leimbach
May 19, 2008
Communicates with typed data channels for sieving using the STM monad
(Software Transactional Memory) to
share data between sparks. Sparks are created by forkIO, which can be
scheduled to real OS threads.
The algorithm is sloppily contained in sieve :: TChan Int -> TChan Int -> IO
which receives a number in the range of [2 .. 10000]. If this is the first
number it has received, that
will forever be that spark's number to test for divisibility of subsequent
numbers. After this assignment
it writes this value to the reader spark which prints it and waits for the
next number to fall out of the
sieve. (which is why we start with 2)
This first sieve running spark will forkIO 1 more sieve spark that will be
sent as it's first number, the
first number not evenly divisible by the value of the current sieve spark.
This process continues until the syncVal is received, which terminates the
program and shuts down the reader
as well as the main loop.
import Control.Monad.STM
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import System(getArgs)
syncVal :: Int
syncVal = -1
sieve :: TChan Int -> TChan Int -> IO ()
sieve inChan outChan = do
value <- atomically $ readTChan inChan
atomically $ writeTChan outChan value
newchan <- atomically $ newTChan
forkIO $ sieve newchan outChan
forever value newchan
where forever value newchan = do
subsequent <- atomically $ readTChan inChan
if subsequent `mod` value /= 0
atomically $ writeTChan newchan subsequent
forever value newchan
else if subsequent == syncVal
atomically $ writeTChan outChan syncVal
return ()
forever value newchan
reader :: TChan Int -> TChan Char -> IO ()
reader chan syncChan = do
x <- atomically $ readTChan chan
if x /= syncVal
-- putStrLn $ show x
reader chan syncChan
atomically $ writeTChan syncChan 'Q'
return ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
wChannel <- atomically $ newTChan
rChannel <- atomically $ newTChan
sChannel <- atomically $ newTChan
forkIO $ reader rChannel sChannel
forkIO $ sieve wChannel rChannel
x <- getArgs
putStrLn ("Searching for primes up to " ++ (head x))
forM_ [2 .. ((read (head x)) ::Int)] $ \i -> atomically $ writeTChan
wChannel i
atomically $ writeTChan wChannel syncVal
atomically $ readTChan sChannel
return ()
> cheers,
> rog.
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