[Haskell-cafe] newbie questions (read, etc.,
with Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8)
666wman at gmail.com
Tue Oct 7 02:34:05 EDT 2008
as usual, i forgot to use the magical "reply to all" and under the
impression I'm still talking to the list had bothered dons personally
(heresy/sacrilege/deathwish , i know)
to rectify it a bit at least, i'm posting a summary, in hopes someone find
it useful.
-- this doesn't work - space leak no matter which optimizations you use,
with -O2 it crashes in 5 secs instead in 75 ;-)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as S
main = print . go 0 =<< S.getContents
go n s = case S.readInt s of
Nothing -> n
Just (k,t) -> go (n+k) (S.tail t)
-- slightly stricter version, notice those ! before parameters in go
declaration and the fancy -XBangPatterns option to ghc which it requires ;-)
-- let dons_bstr.hs =
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as S
main = print . go 0 =<< S.getContents
go !n !s = case S.readInt s of
Nothing -> n
Just (k,t) -> go (n+k) (S.tail t)
ghc -XBangPatterns --make dons_bstr.hs
time dons_bstr < nums
real 1m8.686s
user 0m0.015s
sys 0m0.031s
ghc -XBangPatterns -Onot -fstrictness --make dons_bstr.hs
time dons_bstr.exe < nums
real 1m10.607s
user 0m0.031s
sys 0m0.015s
ghc -XBangPatterns -O2 --make dons_bstr.hs
time dons_bstr.exe < nums
real 0m1.500s
user 0m0.015s
sys 0m0.031s
so althought the -fstrictness still seems to have no effect in this case,
using -O2 the dons version is ~2 times faster then the bytestring/readInt
version -O2
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