[Haskell-cafe] Haskell participating in big science like CERN Hadrian...

Dougal Stanton dougal at dougalstanton.net
Fri Oct 3 06:47:58 EDT 2008

2008/10/3 Galchin, Vasili <vigalchin at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
>     One of my interests based on my education is "grand challenge science".
> Ok .. let's take the  CERN Hadrian Accelerator.
>     Where do you think Haskell can fit into the CERN Hadrian effort
> currently?
>     Where do you think think Haskell currently is lacking and will have to
> be improved in order to participate in CERN Hadrian?

Is that the experiment where Picts are accelerated to just short of
the speed of light in order to smash through to the Roman Empire? ;-)

I don't know what the main computational challenges are to the LHC
researchers. The stuff in the press has mostly been about
infrastructure --- how to store the gigabytes of data per second that
they end up keeping, out of the petabytes that are produced in the
first place (or something).



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