[Haskell-cafe] I/O without monads, using an event loop
Roberto Zunino
zunino at di.unipi.it
Fri May 30 12:58:30 EDT 2008
Robin Green wrote:
> I have been thinking about to what extent you could cleanly do I/O
> without explicit use of the I/O monad, and without uniqueness types
Here's a way to see I/O as a pure functional data structure. To keep
things simple, we model only Char I/O:
data Program
= Quit
| Output Char Program
| Input (Char -> Program)
-- ... add here other I/O primitives if you want
-- Example:
cat :: Program
cat = Input (\c -> Output c cat)
-- Trivial mapping into the IO monad
runProgram :: Program -> IO ()
runProgram Quit = return ()
runProgram (Output c p) = putChar c >> runProgram p
runProgram (Input k) = getChar >>= runProgram . k
Another approach could be to use lazy I/O, à la interact. However, I am
uncomfortable with lazy I/O.
See also IOSpec, a nice functional model of the IO monad:
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