[Haskell-cafe] So how do people pronounce 'cabal' around here?

Clifford Beshers clifford.beshers at gmail.com
Wed May 28 01:30:33 EDT 2008

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 10:27 PM, Benjamin L. Russell <
dekudekuplex at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Actually, according to the definition that you used (
> http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cabal), there are the following
> two pronunciations of "cabal":
> 1) \kə-ˈbäl\
> 2) \kə-ˈbal\
> The "a" phoneme of the "ˈbal" syllable of pronunciation 2 is actually
> defined to be identical to the first syllable "ˈba" of "balance" (
> http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/balance); viz.:
> \ˈba-lən(t)s\

But if you say it that way, you get kicked out of the cabal.
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