[Haskell-cafe] alex + happy parser problem

Sean McLaughlin seanmcl at gmail.com
Fri May 16 21:22:10 EDT 2008


  To learn alex and happy, I'm trying to write a parser for a simple
expression language.
When I wrote my own lexer and just used happy, it was fine.
When I used the basic wrapper of alex it was also fine.  However, when
I use the posn wrapper
to get position information, I get a strange exception when the parse
error occurs at the end
of the input.

For example, parsing "1 + " yields "Internal Happy error" rather than
something like
"Parse error at line 1, column 5"

The lexer and parser are attached.  Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?

parse "1+"

yields a "Internal Happy error"
instead of a parse error as I would expect.



-- Lexer

module ExprLexer (
                 ) where

%wrapper "posn"

$digit = 0-9

tokens :-

  $digit+				{ (\p s -> Int p (read s)) }
  [\+]			                { (\p s -> Sym p (head s)) }


data Token = Sym AlexPosn Char
           | Int AlexPosn Int
             deriving (Eq, Show)

tokenPosn (Sym p _) = p
tokenPosn (Int p _) = p


--- Parser


module ExprParser where

import ExprLexer (Token(..), alexScanTokens, tokenPosn, AlexPosn(..))


%name parseExp
%tokentype { Token }

      int             { Int _ $$ }
      '+'             { Sym _ '+' }

%right '+'


Exp : Exp '+' Exp              { Add $1 $3 }
    | int                      { Const $1 }


data Expr = Const Int
          | Add Expr Expr
            deriving Show

parse :: String -> Expr
parse = parseExp . alexScanTokens

happyError :: [Token] -> a
happyError tks = error ("Parse error at " ++ lcn ++ "\n")
    where lcn = case tks of
                  [] -> "end of file"
                  tk:_ -> "line " ++ show l ++ ", column " ++ show c
                      where AlexPn _ l c = tokenPosn tk


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