[Haskell-cafe] Write Haskell as fast as C. [Was: Re: GHC predictability]

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Thu May 15 16:57:07 EDT 2008

Mattias Bengtsson wrote:
> A good read. 

With Don, it usually is. ;-)

> Side point: Is the name "go" part of the idiom you mentioned? I
> sometimes use the same practise but usually just calls the worker the
> same as the real function with an added prime (').

I usually use "work". Same difference. :-)

 From what I can tell, the Prelude implementation in the Haskell Report 
uses primes on the function names [in the tiny number of cases where a 
worker function is actually required]. Each to their own...

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