[Haskell-cafe] runInteractiveCommand: program ends before writing
or reading all the output
Olivier Boudry
olivier.boudry at gmail.com
Thu May 15 13:40:34 EDT 2008
Hi all,
It's the first time I use the runInteractiveCommand and I was probably
bitten by laziness.
When I run the following program and send its output to a file using '>'
redirection I get the full output of the called process. But if I run it in
the console I get only half of the output. As console is slower than disk I
assume the called process terminates before all data has been read from it
or the main process terminates before data has been written to stdout. I
thought using waitForProcess, closing called process output and flushing
stdout would solve the problem but it doesn't.
> -- Compile with -threaded option
> module Main where
> import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
> import System.Environment (getArgs)
> import System.FilePath (dropExtension, takeFileName)
> import System.IO (Handle, hClose, hFlush, hGetContents, stdout)
> import System.Process (runInteractiveCommand, waitForProcess)
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> (file:_) <- getArgs
> (_, out, _, pid) <- runInteractiveCommand $ "dumpbin /EXPORTS " ++ file
> forkIO (createDefFile file out)
> waitForProcess pid
> hClose out
> hFlush stdout
> createDefFile :: String -> Handle -> IO ()
> createDefFile file inp = do
> putStrLn $ "LIBRARY " ++ (dropExtension . takeFileName) file ++ ".dll"
> putStrLn "EXPORTS"
> text <- hGetContents inp
> mapM_ writeExport $ keepExports $ map words $ lines text
> where
> keepExports :: [[String]] -> [String]
> keepExports = map head
> . filter (not . null)
> . takeWhile (["Summary"]/=)
> . drop 1
> . dropWhile (["ordinal","name"]/=)
> writeExport ('_':xs) = putStrLn xs
> writeExport xs = putStrLn xs
Any idea regarding the cause of this problem?
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