[Haskell-cafe] Data.Dynamic over the wire
Gökhan San
gsan at stillpsycho.net
Wed May 14 17:23:39 EDT 2008
> {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
Following the related discussion on #haskell, I ended up writing the below
code (thanks to the suggestions). This is for a genetic programming
library, but the usage would be similar. It also (de)serializes
I'm a haskell newbie, so feel free to report any awkwardness. :-)
> module Main (main) where
> import Data.Typeable
Dyn holds either the data or the serialized version of it.
This is for performance reasons. Local functions will return 'D x'
values, deserializing any 'S t s' they encounter in the process.
When Dyn is shown and read (transmitted?), it becomes a string again.
Function names can be stored in the string version, and a lookup table
could be used to map to actual functions.
> data Dyn = forall a. (Typeable a, Show a) => D a | S TypeRep String
> dynTypeRep :: Dyn -> TypeRep
> dynTypeRep (D x) = typeOf x
> dynTypeRep (S t _) = t
> fromDyn :: forall a. (Typeable a, Read a) => Dyn -> Maybe a
> fromDyn (D x) = cast x
> fromDyn (S t s) = if typeOf (undefined :: a) == t
> then Just (read s)
> else Nothing
The above version would be more useful, but 'S t s' can't be cast
into a type other than the one represented by t. (We don't need this
> fromDyn' :: (Typeable a, Read a) => Dyn -> a
> fromDyn' (D x) = case xa of Nothing -> error "Typecast failed!"
> Just a -> a
> where xa = cast x
> fromDyn' (S t s) = read s
Rep is the intermediate type used while (de)serializing Typeable. I couldn't
think of a way for reading TypeRep with the current implementation of show.
> newtype Rep = R (String, [Rep]) deriving (Read, Show)
> toRep :: TypeRep -> Rep
> toRep t = R (show con, map toRep args)
> where (con, args) = splitTyConApp t
> fromRep :: Rep -> TypeRep
> fromRep (R (con, args)) = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon con) $ map fromRep args
> instance Show Dyn where
> show (D x) = show (toRep (typeOf x), show x)
> show (S t s) = show (toRep t, s)
> instance Read Dyn where
> readsPrec d = (map toS) . rP
> where toS ((rep, str), s') = (S (fromRep rep) str, s')
> rP = (readsPrec d) :: ReadS (Rep, String)
Below are some examples. I'm looking for a practical way to define functions
that work over several types more easily. The functionality should be like
type classes for runtime.
> add5 :: Dyn -> Dyn
> add5 dx | dynTypeRep dx == typeOf (undefined :: Int) =
> D (fromDyn' dx + 5 :: Int)
> | dynTypeRep dx == typeOf (undefined :: Double) =
> D (fromDyn' dx + 5 :: Double)
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> let dd = D ([(1 :: Int, "test")])
> ds = (read $ show dd) :: Dyn
> di = D (2 :: Int)
> df = D (2 :: Double)
> daf = add5 df
> dai = add5 di
> print dd
> print ds -- Should be identical
> print (daf, dynTypeRep daf) -- 7.0
> print (dai, dynTypeRep dai) -- 7
On Tuesday May 13 2008, Jules Bean wrote:
> You can't finish it off because you can't derive a 'Read' instance for
> SD, because there is no read instance for TypeRep. Off-hand I can't
Gokhan San
gsan at stillpsycho.net
... Real programs don't eat cache.
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