[Haskell-cafe] Re: Trying to avoid duplicate instances
oleg at okmij.org
oleg at okmij.org
Wed May 14 02:04:29 EDT 2008
Eric Stansifer wrote:
> I am using a bunch of empty type classes to categorize some objects:
> > class FiniteSolidObject o
> > class FinitePatchObject o
> > class InfiniteSolidObject o
> Since "solid objects" are exactly "finite solid objects" plus
> "infinite solid objects", there is an obvious way to code up this
> logical relationship. So I try to write:
> > class SolidObject o
> > instance FiniteSolidObject o => SolidObject o
> > instance InfiniteSolidObject o => SolidObject o
There is an easy way to accomplish your goal in GHC, with a couple of
simple tricks. First of all, it pays in this and many related cases
do define the full predicate for the classification of objects. That is,
rather than defining the constraint (FiniteSolidObject o) that
succeeds when 'o' is really a FiniteSolidObject and fails otherwise,
define a constraint (FiniteSolidObjectP o f) which always succeeds; it
unifies the second argument with HTrue if o is indeed
FiniteSolidObject, and unifies f with HFalse otherwise. We can easily
define the semi-predicate (FiniteSolidObject o) if so needed.
That is the first trick. One can then introduce typeclasses HAnd, HOr,
etc. and use them to define more complex predicates like SolidObject
(which is the logical OR of FiniteSolidObjectP and
Defining the primitive predicates such as FiniteSolidObject does
including the trick, the TypeCast. It may appear bizarre; well, if the
point is to use it rather than contemplate it, one can just take the
pattern for granted. It works.
But there is even a more uniform way, explained in
Using that file, we can write your code as follows:
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}
module Mem where
-- primitive types
data Box = Box
data Sphere = Sphere
data Mesh = Mesh
data Plane = Plane
-- classes of types
type FiniteSolidObjects = Box :*: Sphere :*: HNil
type FinitePatchObjects = Mesh :*: HNil
type InfiniteSolidObjects = Plane :*: HNil
-- All of finite and infinite solid objects are solid objects
type SolidObjects = AllOf FiniteSolidObjects :*: AllOf InfiniteSolidObjects
:*: HNil
-- membership predicate
-- Statically tests if an object of the type x is a member of the class c
is_of_class :: forall c x r. Apply (Member c) x r => x -> c -> r
is_of_class x t = apply (undefined::Member c) x
test1 = is_of_class Box (undefined::FiniteSolidObjects) -- type HTrue
test2 = is_of_class Box (undefined::SolidObjects) -- type HTrue
test3 = is_of_class Box (undefined::InfiniteSolidObjects) -- type HFalse
test4 = is_of_class Plane (undefined::SolidObjects) -- type HTrue
-- make a semi-predicate SolidObject
class SolidObject c
instance Apply (Member SolidObjects) x HTrue => SolidObject x
test_solid :: SolidObject x => x -> ()
test_solid = undefined
ts1 = test_solid Plane
-- ts3 = test_solid Mesh -- causes the type error
-- The following is borrowed verbatim from poly2.hs
type Fractionals = Float :*: Double :*: HNil
type Nums = Int :*: Integer :*: AllOf Fractionals :*: HNil
type Ords = Bool :*: Char :*: AllOf Nums :*: HNil
type Eqs = AllOf (TypeCl OpenEqs) :*: AllOfBut Ords Fractionals :*: HNil
-- The Fractionals, Nums and Ords above are closed. But Eqs is open
-- (i.e., extensible), due to the following:
data OpenEqs
instance TypeCls OpenEqs () HTrue -- others can be added in the future
-- Type class membership testing
data AllOf x
data AllOfBut x y
data TypeCl x
-- Classifies if the type x belongs to the open class labeled l
-- The result r is either HTrue or HFalse
class TypeCls l x r | l x -> r
-- the default instance: x does not belong
instance TypeCast r HFalse => TypeCls l x r
-- Deciding the membership in a closed class, specified
-- by enumeration, union and difference
data Member tl
instance Apply (Member HNil) x HFalse
instance TypeCls l x r => Apply (Member (TypeCl l)) x r
instance (TypeEq h x bf, MemApp bf t x r)
=> Apply (Member (h :*: t)) x r
instance (Apply (Member h) x bf, MemApp bf t x r)
=> Apply (Member ((AllOf h) :*: t)) x r
instance (Apply (Member exc) x bf, Apply (MemCase2 h t x) bf r)
=> Apply (Member ((AllOfBut h exc) :*: t)) x r
class MemApp bf t x r | bf t x -> r
instance MemApp HTrue t x HTrue
instance Apply (Member t) x r => MemApp HFalse t x r
-- we avoid defining a new class like MemApp above.
-- I guess, after Apply, we don't need a single class ever?
data MemCase2 h t x
instance Apply (Member t) x r => Apply (MemCase2 h t x) HTrue r
instance Apply (Member ((AllOf h) :*: t)) x r
=> Apply (MemCase2 h t x) HFalse r
testm1 = apply (undefined::Member Fractionals) (1::Float)
testm2 = apply (undefined::Member Fractionals) (1::Int)
testm3 = apply (undefined::Member Fractionals) ()
-- The standard HList stuff, extracted from HList library
data HNil = HNil
data a :*: b = a :*: b
infixr 5 :*:
data HTrue
data HFalse
data Z = Z
newtype S n = S n
class TypeCast a b | a -> b, b->a where typeCast :: a -> b
class TypeCast' t a b | t a -> b, t b -> a where typeCast' :: t->a->b
class TypeCast'' t a b | t a -> b, t b -> a where typeCast'' :: t->a->b
instance TypeCast' () a b => TypeCast a b where typeCast x = typeCast' () x
instance TypeCast'' t a b => TypeCast' t a b where typeCast' = typeCast''
instance TypeCast'' () a a where typeCast'' _ x = x
class TypeEq x y b | x y -> b
instance TypeEq x x HTrue
instance TypeCast HFalse b => TypeEq x y b
-- A heterogeneous apply operator
class Apply f a r | f a -> r where
apply :: f -> a -> r
apply = undefined
-- Normal function application
instance Apply (x -> y) x y where
apply f x = f x
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