[Haskell-cafe] M1 + M2 = M3 where both computations in M1 and M2
can be used?
sam lee
skynare at gmail.com
Mon May 12 09:51:17 EDT 2008
I want to compose two monads to build another monad where
computations of the two monads can be used inside.
I have:
- MonadTypeInfer : interface (class) for TypeInfer monad
- TypeInfer : a monad that has Map String Type (association of names and types)
- TypeInferT : transformer of above monad
- MonadEval : interface (class) for Eval monad
- Eval : a monad that has Map String Expr (association of names and
code/function body)
- EvalT : transformer of Eval
- tInfer :: Expr -> TypeInfer Type -- given expr, returns type of it
in TypeInfer monad
- eval :: Expr -> Eval Expr -- given expr, returns normalized expr in Eval monad
Problem: in repl, when user defines a function, it should type check
and register type of the function to TypeInfer monad's Map String
Also, it should store the expression of the function in Eval monad.
I build REPL monad using TypeInferT and EvalT.
> newtype REPL a = REPL { runREPL :: TypeInferT (EvalT IO) a }
> deriving(Monad, Functor, MonadIO, MonadTypeInfer, MonadEval)
> repl :: REPL ()
> repl = do
> input <- prompt ">>> "
> case parse input of
> Left err -> -- handle error
> Right expr -> do
> t <- tInfer expr -- BAD!! tInfer :: TypeInfer Type
> println (show t)
> result <- eval expr -- BAD!! eval :: Eval Expr
> println (show result)
> repl
Should I make tInfer :: REPL Type, eval :: REPL Expr?
Is there a way to build a monad where you could use sub-monads'
(monads used to build current monad) computations?
I prefer keeping tInfer :: TypeInfer Type, eval :: Eval Expr
because tInfer never uses actions in Eval monad and vice versa.
It seems like what I am asking is to break the type system.
Maybe I should just make them run in REPL monad.
Thank you.
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