[Haskell-cafe] seeking advice on my POSIX wrapper
Galchin, Vasili
vigalchin at gmail.com
Sat May 10 16:47:52 EDT 2008
Last night I sent out an announcement about some POSIX work that I have
been doing. In any case, one of the FFI wrappers is driving me crazy, i.e.
the one for mq_receive:
http://opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/mq_receive.html . When I call
this function (mqReceive), I get "message too long". In my test cases I am
sending and receiving messages that are only 11 bytes! The wrapper seems
really straightforward. Perhaps I am looking right at the problem and don't
see. I need other eyes on the wrapper to help me ;^). Please see below.
Regards, V.
-- mqReceive is still being debugged!!!!!!!!!!
-- | Retrieve a message from mqueue designated by "mqd"
mqReceive :: Fd -> ByteCount -> Maybe Int -> IO (String, Int)
mqReceive (Fd mqd) len (Just prio) = do
allocaBytes (fromIntegral len) $ \ p_buffer -> do
with (fromIntegral prio) $ \ p_prio -> do
rc <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "mqReceive" (c_mq_receive mqd p_buffer
(fromIntegral len) p_prio)
case fromIntegral rc of
0 -> ioError (IOError Nothing EOF "mqReceive" "EOF" Nothing)
n -> do
s <- peekCStringLen (p_buffer, fromIntegral n)
return (s, n)
mqReceive (Fd mqd) len Nothing = do
allocaBytes (fromIntegral len) $ \ p_buffer -> do
rc <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "mqReceive" (c_mq_receive mqd p_buffer
(fromIntegral len) nullPtr)
case fromIntegral rc of
0 -> ioError (IOError Nothing EOF "mqReceive" "EOF" Nothing)
n -> do
s <- peekCStringLen (p_buffer, fromIntegral n)
return (s, n)
foreign import ccall unsafe "mqueue.h mq_receive"
c_mq_receive :: CInt -> Ptr CChar -> CSize -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
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