[Haskell-cafe] Still no joy with parsec

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Tue May 6 14:58:22 EDT 2008

Am Dienstag, 6. Mai 2008 18:52 schrieb Ross Boylan:
> g.hs:11:19:
>     Couldn't match expected type `t1 -> GenParser Char () t'
>            against inferred type `CharParser st ()'
>     In the expression: reserved "\\begin" 1
>     In a 'do' expression: reserved "\\begin" 1
>     In the expression:
>         do reserved "\\begin" 1
>            braces (many1 letter)
> Failed, modules loaded: none.
> More generally, how can I go about diagnosing such problems?  Since I
> can't load it, I can't debug it or get :info on the types.
> It looks as if maybe it's expecting a Monad, but getting a parser.  But

(GenParser tok st) is a monad.
GenParser tok st a is the type of parsers which parse lists of tok, using a 
state of type st and returning a value of type a. 
There are two type synonyms I remember,
type CharParser st a  = GenParser Char st a
type Parser a = GenParser Char () a

Now let's look at what ghc does with the code

envBegin :: Parser String
envBegin = do
	reserved "\\begin" 1
	braces (many1 letter)

which you had (btw, had you used layout instead of explicit braces, the 1 in 
the first column of the line would have led to a parse error and been more 

From the last expression, braces (many1 letter), which has type 
CharParser st [Char], the type checker infers that the whole do-expression
has the same type. So the first expression in the do-block must have type
CharParser st a, or, not using the type synonym, GenParser Char st a.
The type signature says that the user state st is actually (), which is okay, 
because it's a more specific type.
Now that first expression is parsed 
(reserved "\\begin") 1
, so the subexpression (reserved "\\begin") is applied to an argument and has 
to return a value of type GenParser Char st a, hence the type checker expects 
the type
t1 -> GenParser Char st t
for (reserved "\\begin"). That is the expected type from the error message, 
with st specialised to () due to the type signature.
Next, the type of the expression (reserved "\\begin") is inferred.
'reserved' is defined as P.reserved haskell,
P.reserved has type 
P.TokenParser st -> String -> CharParser st ()
haskell has type
P.TokenParser st
, so reserved has type
String -> CharParser st ()
and hence (reserved "\\begin") has type
CharParser st ()
, that is the inferred type of the error message.
Since one of the two is a function type and the other not, these types do not 

The error message
Couldn't match expected type `thing'
    against inferred type `umajig'
In the expression: foo bar oops
tells you that from the use of (foo bar) in that expression, the type checker 
expects it to have type `thing', but the type inference of the expression 
(foo bar), without surrounding context, yields type `umajig', which can't be 
matched (or unified) with `thing'.


> I don't know why that would have changed vs using 6.6.
> More questions about the error messages.  Where is the expected type,
> and where is the inferred type, coming from?  I'm guessing the expected
> type is from the function signature and the position inside a do (or
> perhaps from the argument following the ; in the do?) and the inferred
> type is what I would just call the type of reserved "begin".
> And what is the 1 that appears after 'reserved "\\begin"'?  An indicator
> that all occurrences of the text refer to the same spot in the program?
> Nesting level?
> Thanks.
> Ross
> P.S.  There have been some issues with the Debian packaging of ghc6.8,
> so it's possible I'm bumping into them.  I thought/hoped the problems
> were limited to non i386 architectures.  Also, I'm pretty sure that the
> parsec code used by ghc6.6, ghc6.8, and hugs is all in different files.
> So conceivably the parsec source differs.  I have ghc6 6.8.2-5 and
> libghc6-parsec-dev
> Source:
> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
> import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language(haskell)
> reserved = P.reserved haskell
> braces = P.braces haskell
> -- TeX example
> envBegin :: Parser String
> envBegin     = do{ reserved "\\begin"
> 1                 ; braces (many1 letter)
>                  }
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