[Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

Hugo Pacheco hpacheco at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 22:07:51 EDT 2008

> The extra syntax has its advantages (more local information) and
> disadvantages (more clutter).  We weren't convinced that we need the
> extra syntax, so left it out for the moment. However, this is
> something that can always be changed if experience shows that programs
> are easier to understand with extra syntax.  It doesn't affect the
> type theory and is really a pure language design question.  I'd be

I would go for the braces as Claus suggested, although not necessary they
would have helped me to better understand how type family application

> | The most clean solution may indeed be to outlaw partial
> > applications of
> > | vanilla type synonyms in the rhes of type instances.  (Which is
> > what I
> > | will implement unless anybody has a better idea.)
> >
> > i always dislike losing expressiveness, and ghc does almost seem
> > to behave as i would expect in those examples, so perhaps there
> > is a way to fit the partial applications into the theory of your TLDI
> > paper.
> I don't think we can avoid losing that expressiveness, as you
> demonstrated that it leads to non-confluence of type term
> normalisation - see also my reply to SimonPJ's message in this thread.
> glad to hear some more opinions about this matter.

Since I was the one to start this thread, I have managed to implement what I
initially wanted as F a :: *->* with F a x::*, and the cost of not having
partially applied type synonyms was not much apart from some more equality
coercions that I wasn't expecting.
The most relevant tradeoffs are some more extra parameters in type classes
(notice the d in fmapF) and having to bind explicit signatures to variables
that only occur as a type-index to the type family (notice id::x->x).

class FunctorF x where fmapF :: d -> (a -> b) -> F x a -> F x b
fff :: forall d x. (FunctorF d) => d -> F d x -> F d x
fff a = fmapF a (id::x->x)

Generally, I love type-indexed types.
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