[Haskell-cafe] Monad instance for Data.Set, again

Henning Thielemann lemming at henning-thielemann.de
Mon Mar 24 15:47:27 EDT 2008

The blog article
   describes a variant of the Monad class which allows to restrict the type 
of the monadic result, in order to be able to make Data.Set an instance of 
Monad (requiring Ord constraint for the monadic result). The same problem 
arises for container data structures with restricted element types, where 
the element type restriction depends on the implementation of the 
container structure (such as UArray). It would be cumbersome to have 
several class parts, even more, type constraints in type signatures may 
reveal implementation details. E.g. constraint (Container c x y z) might 
be needed for a 'zipWith' function, whereas (Container c y x z) is needed 
if you use 'zipWith' with swapped arguments.

Here is another approach that looks tempting, but unfortunately does not 
work, and I wonder whether this can be made working.

module RestrictedMonad where

import Data.Set(Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

class AssociatedMonad m a where

class RestrictedMonad m where
    return :: AssociatedMonad m a => a -> m a
    (>>=)  :: (AssociatedMonad m a, AssociatedMonad m b) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

instance (Ord a) => AssociatedMonad Set a where

instance RestrictedMonad Set where
    return = Set.singleton
    x >>= f = Set.unions (map f (Set.toList x))

GHC says:

     Could not deduce (Ord b)
       from the context (RestrictedMonad Set,
                         AssociatedMonad Set a,
                         AssociatedMonad Set b)
       arising from use of `Data.Set.unions' at RestrictedMonad.hs:21:13-22
     Probable fix: add (Ord b) to the class or instance method `RestrictedMonad.>>='
     In the definition of `>>=':
         >>= x f = Data.Set.unions (map f (Data.Set.toList x))
     In the definition for method `RestrictedMonad.>>='
     In the instance declaration for `RestrictedMonad Set'

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