[Haskell-cafe] An ugly zip3 problem..
Dean Herington
heringtonlacey at mindspring.com
Fri Mar 21 11:37:24 EDT 2008
I like Tillmann's cleanup. Here's another variation (warning: untested code).
filter3 :: (FilterWindow3 -> Double) -> Dataset -> Dataset
filter3 f3 [] = []
filter3 f3 dss@(d:ds) = map f3 $ zip3 (d:dss) dss (shiftForward dss)
-- Given a nonempty list, drops the first element and
-- duplicates the last element at the end.
shiftForward :: [a] -> [a]
shiftForward (x:xs) = sf x xs
sf last [] = [last]
sf _ (x:xs) = x : sf x xs
At 4:12 AM +0100 3/21/08, Tillmann Rendel wrote:
>Michael Feathers wrote:
>> I'm working on something and it's looking rather ugly. essentially,
>> it's an application of a low pass filer to a dataset.
>I would not consider your code ugly. it can be made shorter, though.
>> type Dataset = [Double]
>> type FilterWindow3 = (Double,Double,Double)
>> internalList :: [a] -> [a]
>> internalList = tail . init
>> lowPass3 :: FilterWindow3 -> Double
>> lowPass3 (i, j, k) = (i + 2 * j + k) / 4.0
>> filter3 :: (FilterWindow3 -> Double) -> Dataset -> Dataset
>> filter3 f3 ds = [(f3 x) | x <- formWindows ds]
>I would prefer this version to the list comprehension:
> filter3 f3 = map f3 . formWindows
>I tend to assume list comprehensions are doing something magical I
>have to figure out while reading a program, so a comprehension for a
>simple map looks wrong to me. read ahead for more magical list
>> iterFilter :: (Dataset -> Dataset) -> Int -> Dataset -> Dataset
>> iterFilter f n ds
>> | n > 0 = iterFilter f (n - 1) (f ds)
>> | otherwise = ds
>You can use iterate and list indexing to iterate a function a
>specified number of times.
> iterFilter f n = (!! n) . iterate f
> iterateN :: (a -> a) -> Int -> a
>is a better type and name for this function.
>> formWindows :: Dataset -> [FilterWindow3]
>> formWindows ds =
>> internalList $ zip3 x y z
>> where c0 = [head ds]
>> cn = [last ds]
>> x = ds ++ cn ++ cn
>> y = c0 ++ ds ++ cn
>> z = c0 ++ c0 ++ ds
>internalList will delete the first and last element, so why create
>it at all? there is no problem with different list lengths, the
>result will be as long as the shortest list.
> formWindows ds = zip3 x y z where
> x = tail ds ++ [last ds]
> y = ds
> z = head ds : ds
>if you want to make clear what elements of the lists are used, you can use
> z = head ds : init ds
>instead. Note that definition for y clearly states that the middle
>element is the original list. I would consider swapping x and z to
>help me imagine a window moving over the dataset. as it is now, i
>have to imagine a window with an integrated mirror to make it fit.
>I don't like the definition of x, because I fear that the (last ds)
>thunk will hang around and hold the whole list ds in memory, which
>is unecessary because it's value only depends on the last element of
>said list. I would therefore consider a different implementation
>using tails.
> formWindows ds = [(f y z, y, x) | (x : y : z) <- tails (head ds : ds)]
> where f x [] = x
> f _ (x : _) = x
>the head corner case is taken care of by duplicating the head of ds.
>the last corner case is taken care of by the call to f, which uses y
>as default value if z doesn't contain another one. the list
>comprehension is used here to do three different things:
> * convert lists to tuples
> * apply f
> * throw away the last element of tails' result (pattern match
> failure means "ignore this element" in list comprehensions)
> headDefault :: a -> [a] -> a
>is a sensible name for f.
>> smooth :: Int -> Dataset -> Dataset
>> smooth = iterFilter $ filter3 lowPass3
>by inlining the definition above, this can be given as a four-liner now:
> smooth n = (!! n) . iterate f where
> f ds = [(g y z + 2 * y + x) / 4.0 | x:y:z <- tails (head ds : ds)]
> g x [] = x
> g _ (x:_) = x
> Tillmann
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