[Haskell-cafe] Analysing Haskell with Graph Theory

Vimal j.vimal at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 21:35:32 EST 2008

>  be tentatively stored as a directed graph with the nodes being
>  functions and the edges being function calls, i.e. if f calls g, there
>  is a directed edge from f to g):

Will the graph be completely computed before the analysis begins? Or
will you try to build the graph lazily as and when you require more

>  * root finding -> find nodes with no incoming edges (in a program,
>  you'd ideally want only main to be such a node)
>  * cycle detection -> find a possibly recursive cycle in your code: if
>  the cycle is too big, then you may wish to consider refactoring
>  * depth analysis -> find leaves that have a depth from the root node
>  that is extremely large compared to the others (if a function is 50
>  calls down from main compared to an average of 15, you may wish to
>  refactor)
>  * chain detection -> find connected functions that have only one
>  incoming and one outgoing edge, e.g. : f -> g -> h : if g isn't used
>  anywhere else, you may wish to combine it inside either f or g
>  * node popularity -> get a count of how many functions use a
>  particular function and how many other functions it calls (related to
>  chain detection above)
>  * clique detection -> probably not as relevant to source code, but if
>  you have a large number of functions that are all pairwise
>  co-recursive than you may wish to refactor
>  Can anyone think of any other kind of functions that would be useful
>  in this kind of source code analysis?

Are you looking for Haskell functions that can be used to solve the
above problems? I guess once you come up with the algorithms,
translating it into Haskell shouldnt be much of a problem.


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