[Haskell-cafe] Pretty little definitions of left and right folds
Brent Yorgey
byorgey at seas.upenn.edu
Sat Jun 21 21:11:10 EDT 2008
On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 09:52:36PM -0500, Derek Elkins wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 22:31 -0400, Brent Yorgey wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 06:15:20PM -0500, George Kangas wrote:
> > >
> > > foldright (+) [1, 2, 3] 0 == ( (1 +).(2 +).(3 +).id ) 0
> > > foldleft (+) [1, 2, 3] 0 == ( id.(3 +).(2 +).(1 +) ) 0
> > >
> >
> > Hi George,
> >
> > This is very cool! I have never thought of folds in quite this way
> > before. It makes a lot of things (such as the identities you point
> > out) obvious and elegant.
> >
> > > We can also see the following identities:
> > >
> > > foldright f as == foldright (.) (map f as) id
> > > foldleft f as == foldright (flip (.)) (map f as) id
> > >
> > > I like that second one, after trying to read another definition of
> > > left fold in terms of right fold (in the web book "Real World Haskell").
> > >
> > > The type signature, which could be written (a -> (b -> b)) -> ([a] ->
> > > (b -> b)), suggests generalization to another type constructor C: (a ->
> > > (b -> b)) -> (C a -> (b -> b)). Would a "foldable" typeclass make any
> > > sense?
> >
> > As Brandon points out, you have rediscovered Data.Foldable. =) There's
> > nothing wrong with that, congratulations on discovering it for
> > yourself! But again, I like this way of organizing the type
> > signature: I had never thought of a fold as a sort of 'lift' before.
> > If f :: a -> b -> b, then foldright 'lifts' f to foldright f :: [a] ->
> > b -> b (or C a -> b -> b, more generally).
> >
> > > Okay, it goes without saying that this is useless dabbling, but have
> > > I entertained anyone? Or have I just wasted your time? I eagerly await
> > > comments on this, my first posting.
> >
> > Not at all! Welcome, and thanks for posting.
> Look into the theory of monoids, monoid homomorphisms, M-sets and free
> monoids.
Thanks for the pointers! Here's what I've come up with, after
re-reading some Barr-Wells lecture notes.
First, given finite sets A (representing an 'alphabet') and S
(representing 'states'), we can describe a finite state machine by a
function phi : A x S -> S, which gives 'transition rules' giving a new
state for each combination of alphabet character and state. If we
squint and wave our hands and ignore the fact that types aren't
exactly sets, and most of the types we care about have infinitely many
values, this is very much like the Haskell type (a,s) -> s, or
(curried) a -> s -> s, i.e. a -> (s -> s). So we can think of a
Haskell function phi :: a -> (s -> s) as a sort of 'state machine'.
Also, for a monoid M and set S, an action of M on S is given by a
function f : M x S -> S for which
(1) f(1,s) = s, and
(2) f(mn,s) = f(m,f(n,s)).
Of course, in Haskell we would write f :: m -> (s -> s), and we would
write criteria (1) and (2) as
(1) f mempty = id
(2) f (m `mappend` n) = f m . f n
Now look at the type of foldright:
foldright :: (a -> (s -> s)) -> ([a] -> (s -> s))
We can see that foldright exactly corresponds to the observation that
any state machine with alphabet a and states s induces a monoid action
on s by the free monoid [a]. It's not hard to check that the
function produced by foldright indeed satisfies the requirements to be
a monoid action.
First, recall that
foldright f = chain where
chain (a:as) = (f a).(chain as)
chain _ = id
Now, we can easily prove (1):
(foldright f) []
= chain []
= id
The proof of (2) is by induction on the length of m. The base case is
obvious, given the proof of (1).
(foldright f) (m ++ n)
= { defn. of foldright, assume m = x:xs }
chain ((x:xs) ++ n)
= { defn. of (++) }
chain (x:(xs ++ n))
= { defn. of chain }
f x . chain (xs ++ n)
= { inductive hypothesis }
f x . chain xs . chain n
= { defn. of chain, associativity of (.) }
chain (x:xs) . chain n
= { defn. of foldright, m }
(foldright f) m . (foldright f) n
How'd I do? I'm still trying to figure out how the generalization to
Traversable fits in here. I'm guessing this is where the monoid
homomorphisms come in.
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