[Haskell-cafe] an example from YAHT doesn't run

trifod at gmail.com trifod at gmail.com
Sat Jun 21 11:38:37 EDT 2008


On pdf page 43 of YAHT it provides a code example. I typed this into a file
named "Guess.hs" and tried unsuccessfully to load it into ghci. I am running
ghci version 6.8.2 This is the output it gave me:

" [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Guess.hs, interpreted )

Guess.hs:19:12: parse error on input `doGuessing'

Failed, modules loaded: none. "

I've attached the code module. As far as I can tell it is identical to the
example in YAHT. Did I type it wrong, is the tutorial wrong, or something

thanks again,

Jared Langson
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