[Haskell-cafe] Design suggestion for Data.Binary.Defer

Derek Elkins derek.a.elkins at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 18:40:24 EDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-06-16 at 17:43 +0100, Neil Mitchell wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in the process of updating the Deferred Binary library,
> http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~ndm/binarydefer/. The idea is that its
> does serialisation, but certain elements can be marked as deferred -
> instead of being written in the current file stream, they are merely
> pointed at and if needed, that pointer will be followed.
> Example:("hello","world"), where the first field is marked as deferred
> would write out:
> [6]"world""hello"
> i.e. [skip 6 characters if you want hello], the "world" data, the
> "hello" data we previously promised to put here. When reading, the
> "hello" would only be seeked to and read if necessary.
> So, its like binary, but some fields are lazy. The question is how to
> indicate which fields are lazy. There are three schemes I can think
> of:
> == Simple Instances ==
> put (a,b) = putDefer a >> put b
> get = do a <- getDefer; b <- get; return (a,b)
> If the put/get and putDefer/getDefer items do not line up perfectly it
> will go very wrong at runtime - probably resulting in random values
> being created. You also can't derive the instances automatically, with
> something like Derive or DrIFT.
> == Complex Instances ==
> This is the current scheme, based on lazy pattern matching and
> exceptions - very confusing, probably low performance.
> deferBoth = [\~(a,b) -> unit (,) <<~ a << b]
> Where <<~ a means write out the a field lazily, and << b means write
> out the b field strictly. The advantage over the simple instances is
> that a field being deferred is declared once.
> == Lazy Data Type ==
> Instead of customizing the instance, you can write a data Defer a =
> Defer a type, and then instead of the original tuple write:
> (Defer "hello","world")
> But now the code must unwrap the Defer before accessing "hello", but
> the instance becomes much simpler, and can be derived.
> == The Question ==
> Is there a simple way of tagging fields in a constructor as deferred,
> just once for reading and writing, and ideally outside the instance
> definition and not requiring additional code to unwrap? I can't think
> of any, but there may be something I have missed.

This isn't an answer to your question. This is just my opinion based on
my values.

I'd just immediately do option three.  It seems the simplest, most
composable and most flexible, and I like having things reflected in my
types.  It seems easy enough to code up the first option given the last.
I don't really understand what you are getting at with the second
option, but I suspect it too is easy to do on top of the third option.

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