[Haskell-cafe] How to do this in FP way?

sam lee skynare at gmail.com
Sun Jun 15 23:10:09 EDT 2008

I can think of 2 ways.

    > module Main where
    > import Control.Monad.State

First, normal way:

    > diff (now, old) = (now - old, now)

diff takes now and old and returns result (now - old) and modified old (now).
For example,
diff (diff (1,0))
==> diff (1 - 0, 1)
==> diff (1, 1)
==> (1 - 1, 1)
==> (0, 1)

I think people use the word "threaded" to describe what diff is doing:
the variable "old" is threaded through many calls to diff.

    > testDiff = diff . diff . diff . diff . diff . diff $ (2, 1)

testDiff returns (2,1)

Second way is using monads:

    > diff' now = do
    >     old <- get
    >     put now
    >     return (now - old)

diff' uses State monad.
If you're not familiar with monads, State monad does similar to what
diff function does (it threads the variable "old").
But, being a monadic action, diff' looks like imperative version
syntactically. It gives illusion of having global variable (old).

    > testDiff' = do
    >     result <- diff' 2
    >     result <- diff' result
    >     result <- diff' result
    >     result <- diff' result
    >     result <- diff' result
    >     result <- diff' result
    >     return result
    > runTestDiff' = runState testDiff' 1

runTestDiff' also returns (2,1)

2008/6/15 Magicloud Magiclouds <magicloud.magiclouds at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
>     I am getting familiar with FP now, and I have a "program design" kind of
> question.
>     Say I have something like this in C:
> static int old;
> int diff (int now) { /* this would be called once a second */
>   int ret = now - old;
>   old = now;
>   return ret;
> }
>     Because there is no "variable" in Haskell. So how to do this in a FP
> way?
> Thanks.
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