[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANN: random-access-list-0.1

Stephan Friedrichs deduktionstheorem at web.de
Thu Jun 12 14:47:12 EDT 2008

Isaac Dupree wrote:
 > [...]
 > Great to see it, it deserved implementing, IIRC!  I don't remember 
enough about it.. (and don't have Okasaki anywhere handy). Can it be 
lazy or infinitely long?

No, it has to be finite as it's actually a list of complete binary trees 
whose size depend on the skew binary representation of the list's size. 
I'll document this.

 > [...]
 > Is "RandomAccessList" the best name for something that's not O(1), 
just O(log n)?  Or just that "RandomAccessList" is just much longer than 

Well Chris Okasaki called them "Skew Binary Random-Access Lists", which 
is even longer :)

 > don't use those unorthodox infix function names.. `cons` is hardly 
worse than .:. , `append` or `mappend` than .+. , and .!. than, hmm.. . 
Export a ++ and ! (!! ?) if you're really dedicated. But I'd prefer an 
`at` that's the same partial indexing operation, rather than the name 
.!. (I think this "at" was a new name being put somewhere else? partly 
because "!" is trying to be gradually used only to refer to strictness?)

Good point!

 > "extractHead" is an ugly name for a nevertheless standardish-meaning 
function... what is it usually called? uncons? headTail? (Data.Sequence, 
which is meant to be left-right symmetric, calls it "viewr"... except 
your version doesn't have the Maybe, it's partial instead, fails on 
empty lists)

Yes, I wasn't happy with that one either. The view-concept of 
Data.Sequence is a good idea.

 > For "index", don't use Monad, use Maybe (I think that's what the 
recent libraries at haskell.org discussion concluded, in the context of 
switching Data.Map back to Maybe).

I was just copying the idea from Data.Map and it's usually a good thing 
to have functions as general as possible, or why is it not?

 > Also, Data.List has genericLength etc, to

At the moment, I'm using the Int type for size and indexing only for one 
reason: I haven't found a proper way to generalize it. I'd really like 
to use the Ix class, but it doesn't provide enough functionality, it 
only works on fixed-size intervals (i. e. for arrays, which don't change 
their size, but a list does). Maybe someone has an idea of how to 
realize lists with a variable starting index and size?

 > support.  Isn't "index" (like Data.List.genericIndex) supposed to be 
a name for a partial operation, not one that returns a Maybe?  Shouldn't 
"size" be named "length" (or exported as both names, since e.g. 
Data.Map.size, .List.length) (why is it O(1) not O(log n)? Is it 
possible for these RandomAccessLists to be longer than maxBound::Int?)?

The size function is in O(1) because I cache it, otherwise it would be

size (RandomAccessList xs) = sum (map fst xs)

which is O(log n). I consider the caching useful, as most applications 
will check 0 <= i < size quite often.

 > for e.g. toList, is the O(n) cost spread over traversing/demanding 
the items of the generated list, or all up-front, or somewhere in between?
 > Why is zip slow with unbalanced lists?  Obviously, it could be 
implemented O(min(m,n)*(log m + log n)) just indexing each one, which 
would be faster for really unbalanced-size lists...  Obviously, I don't

If two lists have exactly the same size, all the complete binary trees 
holding the data have the same size as well. This can be zipped directly 
and is a bit (~5% in my tests) faster.

 > understand the implementation.  BTW, looking at the file,
 > data RandomAccessList a
 >         = RandomAccessList {-# UNPACK #-} !Int ![(Int, CBTree a)]
 > Marking a list strict like that doesn't have much effect because it 
only makes the first (:) or [] strict. Did you mean for an 
element-strict or spine-strict(which would necessarily be non-infinite) 

Oh, you're right, I just meant to mark the Int strict. It obviously was 
too late yesterday!

Thanks for this feedback!


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Heute weiß man: Es geht auch so.

  - Dieter Nuhr

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