[Haskell-cafe] very hard to build darcs with win32 ghc-6.8.2!

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Wed Jun 4 17:28:52 EDT 2008

Am Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008 22:26 schrieb Tim Newsham:
> Here's a small test program which uses FFI to SleepEx which I was
> not able to get working with win32 ghc-6.8.2.
> ------
> {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fffi #-}
> module Main where
> import Foreign.C.Types
> foreign import ccall "SleepEx" c_SleepEx :: CUInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

I seem to remember it should be "stdcall" on windows.
That might also have a role in not finding SleepEx at 8.
> main = do
>      putStrLn "start"
>      n <- c_SleepEx (2*1000) 1
>      print n
> -------
> So, what is going on with ghc-6.8.2?  Why is the gcc so hard to use
> now?  Why can't I get FFI working with standard win32 functions?
> Why aren't there prebuilt win32 darcs binaries anymore?
> Tim Newsham
> http://www.thenewsh.com/~newsham/

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