[Haskell-cafe] Network.FastCGI does not emit stderr outputs to lighttpd's error.log?

Agent Zhang agentzh at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 03:44:02 EDT 2008


I'm trying Network.FastCGI + lighttpd 1.4.9 to develop a RESTful
service platform. I've found that stderr (especially those from
Debug.Trace) get lost in the error.log file. But plain CGI mode with
Network.CGI works perfectly (all stderr outputs appear in error.log).
Besides, my Perl fastcgi script also logs stderr with the same
lighttpd. So it does seem that my lighttpd's mod_fastcgi module is OK.

Is this a known issue in the Haskell fastcgi library? Is there a
workaround or a fix? Thanks in advance :)


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