[Haskell-cafe] carry "state" around ....

Felipe Lessa felipe.lessa at gmail.com
Mon Jul 28 21:01:15 EDT 2008

2008/7/28 Galchin, Vasili <vigalchin at gmail.com>:
>> and we're suggesting instead:
>> newtype AIOCB = AIOCB (ForeignPtr AIOCB)
>       ^^^ I am somewhat new to Haskell. Not a total newbie! But what exactly
> does the above mean? Are the three references of "AIOCB" in different
> namespaces?

The first and the third are the type AIOCB, the second is the type
constructor AIOCB. That is, it is equivalent (up to renaming) to

newtype T = C (ForeignPtr T)

Now, why use Type in Type's definition? It is obvious that if we were creating

data T = D T

it would be pretty useless, however the type that ForeignPtr requires
is just a phantom type. In other words, the ForeignPtr will never use
the C constructor.

An analogy to C: if you have

typeA *pa;
typeB *pb;

then of course pa and pb have different types, however their internal
representation are the same: an integral type of 32/64 bits. The C
compiler only uses the type to provide warnings, to know the fields'
offsets, the size of the structure, etc. The same goes for Haskell, if
you have

pa :: ForeignPtr A
pb :: ForeignPtr B

then both pa and pb have different types, but again they have the same
internal representation. However, for example, if you allocate memory
for pa via Storable then the compiler will find the correct sizeOf
definition because will gave the type hint. The compiler also won't
you let mix pa and pb like in [pa,pb].

So, if you declare

newtype T = C (ForeignPtr T)

you are:

1) Hiding the ForeignPtr from the users of your library if you don't export C.
2) Having type safeness by using ForeignPtr T instead of something
generic like ForeignPtr () -- the same as using typeA* instead of
3) Not needing to create a different type, like

data InternalT = InternalT
newtype T = C (ForeignPtr InternalT)

Well.. did it help at all? =)


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