[Haskell-cafe] [Off-topic] Loss of humour

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Wed Jul 23 17:09:08 EDT 2008

Jeremy Shaw wrote:
> At Wed, 23 Jul 2008 19:45:56 +0100,
> Andrew Coppin wrote:
>> A while back I found a page somewhere containing some rather amusing IRC 
>> quotes. Unfortunately it seems to have vanished. I can't remember where 
>> on earth I found it, but I've scoured the Internet trying to track it 
>> down. (In particular, it contained a quote of somebody impersonating a 
>> typical Haskell newbie - lots of enthusiasm and no attention span! Well 
>> it amused *me* anyway...) Anybody have any ideas where this has gone?
> http://web.archive.org/web/20070609061216/http://www.haskell.org/hawiki/QuotesPage


Thanks, that's the one...

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