[Haskell-cafe] Mutually recursive modules and google protocol-buffers

Roberto Zunino zunino at di.unipi.it
Tue Jul 15 11:10:45 EDT 2008

Chris Kuklewicz wrote:
> There is no way to create a "A.hs-boot" file that has all of
>   (1) Allows A.hs-boot to be compiled without compiling B.hs first
>   (2) Allows B.hs (with a {-# SOURCE #-} pragma) to be compiled after 
> A.hs-boot
>   (3) Allows A.hs to compiled after A.hs-boot with a consistent interface

I thought the following A.hs-boot would suffice:

module A(A) where
data A

There's no need to provide the data constructors for type A. Does this 
violate any of the goals above?


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