[Haskell-cafe] extensible data types in Haskell?
Pablo Nogueira
pablo at babel.ls.fi.upm.es
Tue Jul 8 04:19:01 EDT 2008
I prefer Bruno's approach, though. It allows meta-level type-checking
of expressions and there's the possibility of closing the extension
with a wrapper:
(References: "Generics as a Library" and his PhD thesis)
- GADT as a type class (or encode the type as it's fold):
class Exp e where
lit :: TyRange a => a -> e a
plus :: e Int -> e Int -> e Int
and :: e Bool -> e Bool -> e Bool
- Notice we cannot construct an ill-typed expression, the Haskell
type-checker complains.
- |TyRange| is the class of indices:
class TyRange a
instance TyRange Int
instance TyRange Bool
- The behaviour is given by instances:
newtype Eval a = Eval {eval :: a}
instance Exp Eval where
lit = Eval
plus x y = Eval (eval x + eval y)
and x y = Eval (eval x && eval y)
Extension is easy:
class Exp e => ExpIf e where
ifOp :: TyRange a => e Bool -> e a -> e a -> e a
instance ExpIf Eval where
ifOp c t e = Eval (if (eval c) then (eval t) else (eval e))
class Exp e => ExpMult e where
mult :: e Int -> e Int -> e Int
instance ExpMult Eval where
mult x y = Eval (eval x * eval y)
- Adding new meta-level types is easy:
instance TyRange a => TyRange [a]
instance TyRange Char
class Exp e => ExpConcat e where
conc :: e [Char] -> e [Char] -> e [Char]
instance ExpConcat Eval where
conc x y = Eval (eval x ++ eval y)
- Closing expressions is also easy: wrap around a type and provide
new functions:
data TyRange a => Wrap a = Wrap (forall e. (Exp e, ExpIf e, ExpMult e,
ExpConcat e) => e a)
> evalExp :: TyRange a => Wrap a -> a
> evalExp (Wrap x) = eval x
- Some expresions:
exp1 :: Exp e => e Int
exp1 = plus (lit 3) (lit 3)
val1 = eval exp1
exp1' :: Eval Int
exp1' = plus (lit 3) (lit 3)
va1' = eval exp1
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