[Haskell-cafe] Avoiding lazy evaluation in an ErrorT computation
Tim Bauer
bauertim at eecs.orst.edu
Mon Jul 7 11:14:37 EDT 2008
The file below models a problem I have been trying to figure out.
This file simplifies my original code, while still illustrating
the problem.
> import Prelude hiding (catch)
> import Control.Monad.Reader
> import Control.Monad.Error
> import Control.Exception
> import System.IO(readFile)
> import Data.Either(either)
Our monad transformer is an ErrorT which wraps the IO monad.
ErrorT allows us to use throwError, but we won't use it in this example.
> type T a = ErrorT String IO a
The following runs a (T a) in the context of the IO monad.
We wrap runErrorT in try so as to catch things like division
by zero and what not.
> doTinIO :: T a -> IO (Either String a)
> doTinIO ta = do
> exesa <- try (runErrorT ta) -- IO (Either Exception (Either String a))
> return $ case exesa of
> Left x -> Left ("EX: "++(show x))
> Right esa -> esa
> boom = 1 `div` 0
> b1 = return boom :: T Int
> bad = doTinIO b1
The above, bad, results in:
Right *** Exception: divide by zero
My hope was to get
Left "EX: divide by zero"
I cannot understand why the `try' does not get a chance at the
erroneous calculation. That is, I want the try to catch
the runtime exception.
Indeed, if the IO computation is strictly computed, I get
the proper result.
> g1 = boom `seq` (return boom :: T Int)
> good = doTinIO g1
Stuff that raises exceptions in IO actions does not work either.
> g2 = doTinIO (return boom)
Results in: ``Right *** Exception: divide by zero''
However, other actions that do raise errors work correctly.
It appears the value of the computation must be used
as the next two examples show.
> g3 = doTinIO (liftIO (readFile "nonexistent"))
> g4 = doTinIO (liftIO (print boom))
My problem is that I control `doTinIO', but someone else provides
the computation (T a). I cannot force callers to strictly evaluate
their computations.
I've tried three other variants (given below) that are all
nearly equivalent.
> handler :: Exception -> IO (Either String a)
> handler = return . Left . ("EX: "++) . show
> doTinIO2 :: T a -> IO (Either String a)
> doTinIO2 ta = catch (runErrorT ta >>= evaluate) handler
> doTinIO3 :: T a -> IO (Either String a)
> doTinIO3 ta = do
> esa <- catch (runErrorT ta) handler
> case esa of
> Right a -> catch (evaluate (return a)) handler
> l -> return l
> doTinIO4 :: T a -> IO (Either String a)
> doTinIO4 ta = catch (runErrorT ta) handler
*Main> doTinIO2 b1
Right *** Exception: divide by zero
*Main> doTinIO3 b1
Right *** Exception: divide by zero
*Main> doTinIO4 b1
Right *** Exception: divide by zero
Any suggestions? Thanks all.
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