[Haskell-cafe] eyes again please .... on my POSIX aio code
Galchin, Vasili
vigalchin at gmail.com
Sat Jul 5 00:06:12 EDT 2008
I have modified my aioError and aioReturn to hopefully be more in line
with the actual aio_error and aio_return signatures, respectively. In the
first implementation I had suffered a serious brain f**t ... oh well .....
The implementations below are still somewhat preliminary. Not seemingly
rocket science .... I am still not getting a correct count from aioReturn ..
should be 20 but I get 0! I have a C program which behaves properly giving
20 for aio_return! grrrrrr!
aioReturn :: AIOCB -> IO (AIOCB, ByteCount)
aioReturn aiocb = do
allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct aiocb)) $ \ p_aiocb -> do
poke p_aiocb aiocb
-- DO A PEEK HERE!!!!!
-- count <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "aioReturn" (c_aio_return p_aiocb)
count <- (c_aio_return p_aiocb)
putStrLn ("count -> " ++ (show count))
aiocb <- peek p_aiocb
putStrLn "aioReturn"
aiocb1 <- peek p_aiocb
dumpAIOCB aiocb1
return (aiocb, fromIntegral count)
foreign import ccall safe "aio.h aio_return"
c_aio_return :: Ptr AIOCB -> IO CInt
aioError :: AIOCB -> IO (Errno)
aioError aiocb = do
allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct aiocb)) $ \ p_aiocb -> do
poke p_aiocb aiocb
--throwErrnoIfMinus1 "aioError" (c_aio_error p_aiocb)
errno <- (c_aio_error p_aiocb)
putStrLn ("errno -> " ++ (show errno))
putStrLn "aioError"
aiocb1 <- peek p_aiocb
dumpAIOCB aiocb1
return (Errno errno)
foreign import ccall safe "aio.h aio_error"
c_aio_error :: Ptr AIOCB -> IO CInt
I added an internal helper function dumpAIOCB to print out the aiocb at
points for sanity checking!!
dumpAIOCB :: AIOCB -> IO ()
dumpAIOCB (AIOCB aioFd aioLioOpcode aioReqPrio aioOffset aioBuf aioBytes
aioSigevent) = do
putStrLn "aiocb dump"
putStrLn ("fd => " ++ (show aioFd))
putStrLn ("opcode => " ++ (show aioLioOpcode))
putStrLn ("prio => " ++ (show aioReqPrio))
putStrLn ("offset => " ++ (show aioOffset))
-- aioBuf
putStrLn ("nbytes => " ++ (show aioBytes) ++ "\n")
-- aioSigevent
Kind regards, Vasili
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