[Haskell-cafe] Simple network client

Mads Lindstrøm mads_lindstroem at yahoo.dk
Tue Jan 29 08:44:42 EST 2008


Timo B. Hübel wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using the very simple interactTCP example from [1] to play around with 
> Haskell network programming but I just can't get a simple client for that 
> example to work (it works like a charm with my telnet client, as described in 
> the article). 
> This is what I am trying to do with the client:
>   main = withSocketsDo $ do
>          hdl <- connectTo "localhost" (PortNumber 1234)
>          hSetBuffering hdl NoBuffering
>          hPutStr hdl "test message"
>          res <- hGetContents hdl
>          putStrLn (show res)

If you replace the `putStrLn (show res)` with this:

  mapM_ (\x -> putStr (show x) >> hFlush stdout) res

it works.

I _think_ the problem is that `putStrLn  (show res)` will wait until it
has read all of res. But as the client do not know when the server is
finished sending data, the client will wait forever.


Mads Lindstrøm

> The server looks like this:
>   interactTCP :: Int -> (String -> IO String) -> IO ()
>   interactTCP port f = withSocketsDo $ do
>           servSock <- listenOn $ PortNumber (fromIntegral port)
>           waitLoop f servSock
>   waitLoop f servSock = do
>           bracket (fmap (\(h,_,_)->h) $ accept servSock)
>                   hClose
>                   (\h -> do
>                           hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
>                           hGetContents h >>= f >>= hPutStr h)
>           waitLoop f servSock
>   main = interactTCP 1234 (return . map toUpper)
> But is seems as some deadlocking occurs. Both programs just hang around doing 
> nothing. By inserting some debug output I was able to make sure that the 
> client successfully connects, but the data interchange just does not start. 
> Because the whole thing works using telnet, I suspect that I am doing 
> something fundamentally wrong in the client ...
> Any hints are greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Timo
> [1] 
> http://stephan.walter.name/blog/computers/programming/haskell/interacttcp.html
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