[Haskell-cafe] Hangman game

Ronald Guida ronguida at mindspring.com
Mon Jan 21 22:56:26 EST 2008

Thank you for the positive responses.  The best kind of feedback is
the kind that makes me have to think, and I've done alot of thinking.

_Regarding monads and interfaces_

Paul Johnson wrote:
> 1: Your GameState type can itself be made into a monad. Take a look
> at the "All About Monads" tutorial, especially the State
> monad. Think about the invariants in GameState; can you produce a
> new monad that guarantees these invariants through a limited set of
> actions. How do these actions correspond to user perceptions?
> 2: You can layer monads by using monad transformers. Extend the
> solution to part 1 by using StateT IO instead of just State.

OK, Here's the new monad and the corresponding transformer.
> type Hangman = State GameState
> type HangmanT = StateT GameState

And here's an interface for the Hangman monad.
> newHangmanGame :: (MonadState GameState m) => String -> m ()
> newHangmanGame = put . newGameState
> renderHangmanGame :: (MonadIO m, MonadState GameState m) => m ()
> renderHangmanGame = get >>= return . renderGameState
>                         >>= liftIO . putStrLn
> guessLetter :: (MonadState GameState m) => Char -> m ()
> guessLetter = modify . handleGuess
> getWonLost :: (MonadState GameState m) => m (Maybe Bool)
> getWonLost = get >>= return . gsWonLost
> getAnswer :: (MonadState GameState m) => m String
> getAnswer = get >>= return . gsAnswer

This all seems a little pointless :) for a simple game, nevertheless I
proceeded to modify startNewGame and gameLoop to use the Hangman
interface.  The modifications were trivial.  The type signatures for
startNewGame and gameLoop become:
> startNewGame :: HangmanT IO ()
> gameLoop :: HangmanT IO ()

_Regarding random numbers_

Yitzchak Gale wrote:
> You can add one more field to GameState that holds a random
> generator.

I tried it; it was very easy.

Paul Johnson wrote:
> Can you make your game a function of a list of random numbers?

Yitzchak Gale wrote:
> I would advise against that technique. In more complex games, you
> may need to do many different kinds of random calculations in
> complex orders. Keeping a random generator inside a state monad is
> perfect for that. And since Ronald already set up the plumbing for
> the state monad, he is already home.

I simply modified startNewGame and gameLoop to accept a list of
integers.  In startNewGame, I use the first integer in the list to
choose a word, and then I pass the rest of the list to gameLoop.  In
gameLoop, I simply pass the list along to every recursive call to
startNewGame or gameLoop.

> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>   ...
>   g <- getStdGen
>   let rs = randomRs (0,length wordList - 1) g
>   runStateT (startNewGame rs) undefined
>   return ()
> startNewGame :: [Int] -> HangmanT IO ()
> startNewGame (r:rs) = do
>   let word = wordList !! r
>   newHangmanGame word
>   renderHangmanGame
>   gameLoop rs
> gameLoop :: [Int] -> HangmanT IO ()
> gameLoop rs = ...

I suppose I could easily push the list of random numbers into
GameState to avoid manually threading it around my program.  If I did
that, then the only difference between the two techniques would be (1)
adding a field to hold a random number generator, vs (2) adding a
field to hold an infinite list of random numbers.  If I store a list
of numbers, then I have to choose a probability distribution at
initialization time.  If I store the generator, then I am free to
change the probability distribution on the fly.

For a Hangman game, the only time I need to change the probability
distribution is if I load a new word list.  If I wanted to be able to
load a new word list, then perhaps I need to carry the word list
inside the GameState as well?

_Random numbers continued_

So let me create a HangmanRand monad to encapsulate the process of
selecting random words.

> type HangmanRand = State RandState
> type HangmanRandT = StateT RandState
> data RandState = RandState {
>       rsRandGen :: StdGen,    -- the random number generator
>       rsWordList :: [String]  -- the word list
>     }
> initHangmanRand :: (MonadState RandState m) => [String] -> StdGen -> m
> initHangmanRand words g = put $ RandState{
>                             rsRandGen = g,
>                             rsWordList = words}
> getRandomWord :: (MonadState RandState m) => m String
> getRandomWord = do
>   rs <- get
>   let words = rsWordList rs
>   let (n, g) = randomR (0,length words - 1) $ rsRandGen rs
>   put $ rs{rsRandGen = g}
>   return $ words !! n

I can easily modify the game to use HangmanRand.  My gameLoop doesn't
have to change at all (apart from the type signature).

> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>   hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
>   putStr "Welcome to Hangman!\n\n"
>   putStr instructions
>   let seed = 5
>   let g = mkStdGen seed
>   runStateT (runStateT (initGame wordList g) undefined) undefined
>   return ()
> initGame :: [String] -> StdGen -> HangmanT (HangmanRandT IO) ()
> initGame words g = do
>   lift $ initHangmanRand words g
>   startNewGame
> startNewGame :: HangmanT (HangmanRandT IO) ()
> startNewGame = do
>   word <- lift getRandomWord
>   newHangmanGame word
>   renderHangmanGame
>   gameLoop
> gameLoop :: HangmanT (HangmanRandT IO) ()
> gameLoop = ...

If I wanted to make my program a function of a list of random numbers,
then I would need to change main, initGame, and the implementation of
HangmanRand.  Again, the gameLoop wouldn't have to change at all.

_Regarding user input_

Paul Johnson wrote:
> 4: User input can also be considered as a list. Haskell has "lazy
> input", meaning that you can treat user input as a list that
> actually only gets read as it is required. Can you make your game a
> function of the list of user inputs? How does this interact with the
> need to present output to the user? What about the random numbers?

Yitzchak Gale wrote:
> That type of "lazy IO" is considered by many to be one of Haskell's
> few warts. It is a hole in the type system that lets a small amount
> of side-effects leak through, and even that small amount leads to
> bugs.

It turns out there is only one place in my entire code where I request
input from the user.  This place is the call to getLine inside the
function getUserInput:
> getUserInput :: IO UserInput
> getUserInput = do
>   putStr "Hangman> "
>   response <- getLine
>   ...

I tried changing this to:
> getUserInput :: [String] -> IO (UserInput, [String])
> getUserInput (response:rs)= do
>   putStr "Hangman> "
>   ...

In order to make this work, I need to thread the list of inputs around
my program.  Thus:
> startNewGame :: [String] -> HangmanT IO [String]
> gameLoop :: [String] -> HangmanT IO [String]

To get the whole thing started:
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>   ...
>   rs <- hGetContents stdin >>= return . lines
>   ...

This approach fails because the "Hangman>" prompt is not printed until
immediately /after/ the user enters a response.  I tried using hFlush
but that didn't work.

In order to keep input and output synchronized, I had to do this:
> getUserInput :: [String] -> IO (UserInput, [String])
> getUserInput rs'= do
>   putStr "Hangman> "
>   let (response:rs) = rs'
>   ...

Apparently, if I am accepting my input as a list, then I have to be
careful to avoid forcing the elements of that list until I actually
need them.

Meanwhile, just like with the random numbers, I can avoid manually
threading the list of inputs through the program.  All I would have to
do is push the list of inputs into the GameState and add a utility
function that pulls off one input at a time.  Or better yet, I could
create a HangmanIO monad to store the list of inputs.

> type HangmanIO = State HangmanIOState
> type HangmanIOT = StateT HangmanIOState
> initHangmanIO :: (MonadState HangmanIOState m) => [String] -> m ()
> initHangmanIO userInputs = put $ HangmanIOState{
>                              hioInputList = userInputs}
> getResponse :: (MonadState HangmanIOState m) => m String
> getResponse = do
>   s <- get
>   let (x:xs) = hioInputList s
>   put $ s{hioInputList = xs}
>   return x
> data HangmanIOState = HangmanIOState {
>       hioInputList :: [String]  -- the list of user inputs
>     }

I have to modify the program like this:

> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>   hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
>   putStr "Welcome to Hangman!\n\n"
>   putStr instructions
>   let seed = 5
>   let g = mkStdGen seed
>   responses <- hGetContents stdin >>= return . lines
>   runStateT (runStateT (runStateT
>     (initGame wordList g responses)
>     undefined) undefined) undefined
>   return ()
> initGame :: [String] -> StdGen -> [String] ->
>             HangmanT (HangmanRandT (HangmanIOT IO)) ()
> initGame words g responses = do
>   lift $ initHangmanRand words g
>   lift $ lift $ initHangmanIO responses
>   startNewGame
> startNewGame :: HangmanT (HangmanRandT (HangmanIOT IO)) ()
> startNewGame = ...
> gameLoop :: HangmanT (HangmanRandT (HangmanIOT IO)) ()
> gameLoop = do
>   ui <- lift $ lift getUserInput
>   ...
> getUserInput :: (MonadIO m, MonadState HangmanIOState m) => m
> getUserInput = do
>   liftIO $ putStr "Hangman> "
>   response <- getResponse
>   ...  -- and I have to use liftIO for my output commands

I successfully moved my game input from the IO monad to my HangmanIO
monad.  I actually attempted to go all the way and move /output/ from
the IO monad to HangmanIO as well.  The resulting program uses
"interact" at the top level in main.  Unfortunately, the program
doesn't work.  None of the output actually appears until I quit the
game, and then all the output is produced at one time.  And this time
I have no idea how to fix it.

Moving random number generation and IO around has been a nice learning
exercise for me.  In particular, moving the random number generator
into its own monad (or into GameState) seems like a very useful thing
to do.

On the other hand, moving the game's IO into its own monad (HangmanIO)
seems like reinventing the wheel.  My understanding is that back in
ancient times "main" had the signature "String -> String".  Programs
were very hard to write because they needed to have just the right mix
of laziness and strictness to ensure proper interleaving of inputs and
outputs.  Then one day someone realized that there's this esoteric
concept in category theory that could solve the IO problem, and the
rest is history.  I'm simply better off using the IO monad.

_Regarding scalability_

Paul Johnson wrote:
> The design reads very much like a straight translation from the
> imperative style, which is why so much of it is in the IO monad.
> There is nothing wrong with this for a simple game like Hangman,
> but for larger games it doesn't scale.

Yitzchak Gale wrote:
> It's a state monad, and most of his code is in that style. It
> doesn't read to me like imperative style at all. And it scales
> beautifully.

To see if my code can scale, I would have to think about extensions to
my Hangman game, or think about more complicated games.  I think this
one will have to wait until much later.

-- Ron

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