[Haskell-cafe] Hangman game
Ronald Guida
ronguida at mindspring.com
Sat Jan 19 17:31:01 EST 2008
I'm interested in learning how to program games. Since I have to start
somewhere, I decided to write a simple Hangman game. I'm wondering if
anyone can look at my code and give me some feedback.
Thank you.
-- Hangman game
module Main
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.IO
import System.Random
import Control.Monad.State
data GameState = GameState {
gsAnswer :: String, -- the answer
gsKnown :: [Maybe Char], -- partial answer known to the user
gsGuesses :: [Char], -- incorrect letters guessed so far
gsWrong :: Int, -- number of incorrect guesses
gsWonLost :: Maybe Bool -- Just true = won, Just false = lost
deriving (Show)
newGameState :: String -> GameState
newGameState answer = GameState{
gsAnswer = map toUpper answer,
gsKnown = (map (filt $ not . isAlpha) answer),
gsGuesses = [],
gsWrong = 0,
gsWonLost = Nothing}
data UserInput = UIGuess Char | UIQuit | UINewGame | UIRefresh
deriving (Show)
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
putStr "Welcome to Hangman!\n\n"
putStr instructions
runStateT startNewGame undefined
return ()
startNewGame :: StateT GameState IO ()
startNewGame = do
nWord <- liftIO $ getStdRandom (randomR (0,length wordList - 1))
let word = wordList !! nWord
let gs = newGameState word
put gs
liftIO $ putStrLn $ renderGameState gs
gameLoop :: StateT GameState IO ()
gameLoop = do
ui <- liftIO getUserInput
case ui of
UIGuess c -> do
modify $ handleGuess c
gs <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ renderGameState gs
case (gsWonLost gs) of
Nothing -> gameLoop
Just True -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Congratulations, you won!"
Just False -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "You've been hanged!"
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "The word was \'" ++ (gsAnswer gs) ++
UIQuit -> do
gs <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "The word was \'" ++ (gsAnswer gs) ++ "\'."
liftIO $ putStrLn "Thank you for playing!"
UINewGame -> do
gs <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "The word was \'" ++ (gsAnswer gs) ++ "\'."
UIRefresh -> do
gs <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ renderGameState gs
getUserInput :: IO UserInput
getUserInput = do
putStr "Hangman> "
response <- getLine
if null response
then getUserInput
else do
let c:cs = response
if isAlpha c
then return $ UIGuess $ toUpper c
else if c == ':' && not (null cs)
then case toLower (head cs) of
'q' -> return UIQuit
'n' -> return UINewGame
'r' -> return UIRefresh
'?' -> do
putStr instructions
otherwise -> do
putStrLn $ "Unknown command \'" ++ cs ++ "\'"
putStrLn $ "Use \':?\' for help."
else do
putStrLn $ "Invalid input \'" ++ response ++ "\'"
putStrLn $ "Use \':?\' for help."
instructions :: String
instructions =
++ "To guess a letter, type the letter and press enter.\n"
++ "To quit or restart the game, use the following commands:\n"
++ " :q = quit\n"
++ " :n = new game\n"
++ " :r = re-display the game state\n"
++ " :? = show instructions\n"
++ "\n"
filt :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a
filt pred x = if pred x then Just x else Nothing
handleGuess :: Char -> GameState -> GameState
handleGuess ch state =
if (elem ch $ gsGuesses state)
then state
if (elem ch $ gsAnswer state)
then let revealed = map (filt (== ch)) (gsAnswer state)
known = zipWith mplus (gsKnown state) revealed
won = all (maybe False (const True)) known
in state{gsKnown = known, gsWonLost = filt id won}
else let wrong = 1 + (gsWrong state)
in state{gsGuesses = ch:(gsGuesses state),
gsWrong = wrong,
gsWonLost = filt not (wrong < 7)}
wordList :: [String]
wordList = ["alligator", "angelfish", "ant", "bear", "buffalo",
"butterfly", "canary", "chameleon", "crab", "dinosaur",
"dog", "dolphin", "eel", "elephant", "flamingo", "frog",
"giraffe", "goldfish", "grasshopper", "hedgehog",
"hippopotamus", "horse", "iguana", "jaguar", "jellyfish",
"kangaroo", "kinkajou", "lemur", "lizard", "llama",
"meerkat", "moose", "mouse", "narwhal", "nautilus",
"nuthatch", "ostrich", "owl", "panda", "pelican",
"quail", "quokka", "raccoon", "rhinoceros", "salamander",
"sea horse", "sea urchin", "snail", "tiger", "toucan",
"uakari", "unicorn", "vampire bat", "vulture", "walrus",
"wildebeest", "worm", "xenops", "yak", "yellow jacket",
renderGameState :: GameState -> String
renderGameState gs =
let noose = renderNoose $ gsWrong gs
report = ["","The Word:","",word,"","Your Guesses:","",guessed]
word = intersperse ' ' $ map (maybe '_' id) (gsKnown gs)
guessed = gsGuesses gs
in (concat $ zipWith (++) noose $ map (++ "\n") report)
renderNoose :: Int -> [String]
renderNoose n | n <= 0 = [
" ___ ",
" / | ",
" | ",
" | ",
" | ",
" | ",
" | ",
" -+- "]
renderNoose 1 = [
" ___ ",
" / | ",
" | O ",
" | ",
" | ",
" | ",
" | ",
" -+- "]
renderNoose 2 = [
" ___ ",
" / | ",
" | O ",
" | | ",
" | ",
" | ",
" | ",
" -+- "]
renderNoose 3 = [
" ___ ",
" / | ",
" | O ",
" | --| ",
" | ",
" | ",
" | ",
" -+- "]
renderNoose 4 = [
" ___ ",
" / | ",
" | O ",
" | --|-- ",
" | ",
" | ",
" | ",
" -+- "]
renderNoose 5 = [
" ___ ",
" / | ",
" | O ",
" | --|-- ",
" | | ",
" | ",
" | ",
" -+- "]
renderNoose 6 = [
" ___ ",
" / | ",
" | O ",
" | --|-- ",
" | | ",
" | / ",
" | ",
" -+- "]
renderNoose n | n >= 7 = [
" ___ ",
" / | ",
" | O ",
" | --|-- ",
" | | ",
" | / \\ ",
" | ",
" -+- "]
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