[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANN: A triple of new packages for talking tothe outside world

Dominic Steinitz dominic.steinitz at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Jan 17 14:05:55 EST 2008

Adam Langley <agl <at> imperialviolet.org> writes:

> BitGet is just an API RFC at the moment, so I'm just describing it
> here - not trying to justify it.
> In BitGet there's getAsWord[8|16|32|64] which take a number of bits ($n$) and
> returns the next $n$ bits in the bottom of a Word$x$. Thus, getAsWord8 is what
> you call getBits and, if you had a 48 bit number, you could use getAsWord64 and
> the bottom 48-bits of the resulting Word64 would be what you want.
> Equally, asking for more than $x$ bits when calling getAsWord$x$ is a mistake,
> however I don't check for it in the interest of speed.
> There are also get[Left|Right]ByteString which return the next $n$ bits in a
> ByteString of Word8's. The padding is either at the end of the last byte (left
> aligned) or at the beginning of the first byte (right aligned).

Ok so I should be doing something like this. I'm not clear what happens if you
are reading from a socket and not all the input has arrived but I'll think 
about that over the weekend.

Another thought: could e.g. getRightByteString be in the IO monad and then I
don't have to run the Get(?) monad? Or is that a really stupid question?


import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Word
import IO

import qualified Data.Binary.Strict.BitGet as BG

test =
   do h <- openFile "foobarbaz" ReadMode
      b <- B.hGetContents h
      let ebms = test2 b 
      case ebms of
         Left s    -> return s
         Right bms -> return (concat ((map (show . B.unpack) bms)))

test1 =
   do bm1 <- BG.getRightByteString 2
      bm2 <- BG.getRightByteString 2
      return [bm1,bm2]
test2 bs = BG.runBitGet bs test1

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