[Haskell-cafe] Code folding in Emacs
Johan Tibell
johan.tibell at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 05:41:48 EST 2008
It would be pretty neat for Haskell hacking if the Emacs Haskell mode
could do the following. Imagine you have written some code like so:
-- | The parse state.
data S = S {-# UNPACK #-} !B.ByteString -- current chunk
L.ByteString -- rest of the input
{-# UNPACK #-} !Int64 -- bytes read
-- | The 'Parser' monad is just a State monad carrying around the
-- input ByteString.
newtype Parser a = Parser { unParser :: S -> Consumed (Reply a) }
-- | Match byte that fulfills predicate.
satisfy :: (Word8 -> Bool) -- ^ Predicate that byte must fulfill.
-> Parser Word8 -- ^ Matched byte.
satisfy p =
Parser $ \(S s ss pos) ->
if B.null s
then (if L.null ss
then Empty (Error (ParseError pos))
else case L.splitAt 1 ss of
(consuming,rest) ->
let now = B.concat . L.toChunks $ consuming
b = B.head now
if p b then
Consumed $ Ok b (S (B.tail now) rest (pos + 1))
else Empty $ Error $ ParseError pos
else let b = B.head s in
if p b then Consumed $ Ok (B.head s) (S (B.tail s) ss (pos + 1))
else Empty $ Error $ ParseError pos
Now you want an overview of your source file. One way would be to
replace all the implementation parts with ellipses, like so:
-- | The parse state.
data S = S {-# UNPACK #-} !B.ByteString -- current chunk
L.ByteString -- rest of the input
{-# UNPACK #-} !Int64 -- bytes read
-- | The 'Parser' monad is just a State monad carrying around the
-- input ByteString.
newtype Parser a = Parser { unParser :: S -> Consumed (Reply a) }
-- | Match byte that fulfills predicate.
satisfy :: (Word8 -> Bool) -- ^ Predicate that byte must fulfill.
-> Parser Word8 -- ^ Matched byte.
satisfy p = ...
Binding a haskell-fold-source function to a key chain would enable you
to get a quick overview of your module showing only the comments and
type signatures. I've used the little function from
but it doesn't work well together with indented type signatures like
in the example above.
Anyone with strong Emacs-fu that knows how one could implement such a function?
-- Johan
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