[Haskell-cafe] Comments and suggestions on code

Andre Nathan andre at digirati.com.br
Thu Jan 10 13:21:28 EST 2008

Hi Jonathan

On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 21:32 -0800, Jonathan Cast wrote:
> An actual coding question, abuse?  We should be so lucky.

:) Your comments are much appreciated.

> This function is fairly complicated, simply because of the number of  
> separate definitions involved; I would be looking for opportunities  
> to inline definitions here, so it's clearer what the definitions  
> are.  (Also, I would try to build a single, self-recursive function  
> at the top level, put the call to procInfo there, and make everything  
> else pure).

I rewrote insertInTree like below. Now it is the only function that has
a StateT return type, and I also got rid of addProc, insertPid and
insertParent :)

insertInTree :: Pid -> StateT PsTree IO ()
insertInTree pid = do
  tree <- get
  if Map.member pid tree
    then return ()
    else do
      info <- lift $ procInfo pid
      modify (Map.insert pid info)
      let ppid = parentPid info
      if ppid /= "0"
        then do
          insertInTree ppid
          modify (appendChild ppid pid)
        else return ()

I also rewrote createTree like this:

createTree :: IO PsTree
createTree = do
  entries <- getDirectoryContents "/proc"
  let procs = filter (=~ "^[0-9]+$") entries
  execStateT (mapM_ insertInTree procs) Map.empty

Is that a bad way to do it? If haskell wasn't lazy this would be 3 O(n)
operations, and I could write it using readDirStream to process all
entries in one pass. I'm not sure if that's really necessary when
laziness is present though.

Thanks a lot for the other comments. I'll look into using a record for
PsInfo now.


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