[Haskell-cafe] Implicit parameters and Arrows/Yampa?

Peter Verswyvelen bf3 at telenet.be
Mon Jan 7 14:59:30 EST 2008

Wow, amazing :) 

How long did it take you to write this little nice example? Examples like this are really welcome. It will take me a while to decipher, but that's the fun of Haskell, it's an endless learning experience! 

Here's a thought: I hardly know Haskell, but I can already write some code much faster and easier than I could do in C/C++ (and I've been programming 2 decades in that language, plus my colleagues tell me I'm pretty productive at it...). So I wonder what the productivity becomes when you can write code as quickly as Claude seemed to do here...


PS: Also the scissors in your comment (--8<--), very original! Is this copyrighted? ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: Claude Heiland-Allen [mailto:claudiusmaximus at goto10.org] 

Something like this?

module Main where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Arrow.Operations
import Control.Arrow.Transformer.Reader

-- Standard list/stream arrow.

newtype SF b c = SF { runSF :: [b] -> [c] }

instance Arrow SF where
   arr f = SF (map f)
   SF f >>> SF g = SF (g . f)
   first  (SF f) = SF (uncurry zip . (f *** id) . unzip)
   second (SF f) = SF (uncurry zip . (id *** f) . unzip)

instance ArrowLoop SF where
   loop (SF f) = SF $ \as ->
       let (bs,cs) = unzip (f (zip as (stream cs))) in bs
     where stream ~(x:xs) = x:stream xs

instance ArrowCircuit SF where
   delay x = SF (init . (x:))

-- Some state we want to pass around without manual plumbing.

data AudioState = AudioState { sampleRate :: Double }

runAudio state graph = proc p -> (| runReader (graph -< p) |) state

-- Some unit generators for audio.

wrap x = x - fromIntegral (floor x)

-- phasor needs the sample rate
phasor phase0 = proc hz -> do
   sr <- pure sampleRate <<< readState -< ()
   rec accum <- delay (wrap phase0) -< wrap (accum + hz / sr)
   returnA -< accum

-- osc doesn't need to know about sample rate
osc phase0 = proc hz -> do
   phase <- phasor phase0 -< hz
   returnA -< cos (2 * pi * phase)

-- Test it out.

main = print (runSF (runAudio (AudioState{sampleRate=1000}) (osc 0)) 
(replicate 10 100))


> Cheers,
> Peter



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