[Haskell-cafe] Tips of Conditional Expression

TOPE KAREM topekarem at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 08:47:58 EST 2008

I know the following:

[1] That the general form of conditional expression is: if *
Boolean_expression* then *exp1* else *exp2
*[2] That a conditional expression must always have both a then and an
[3] That both *exp1* and *exp2* must have the same type, which is the type
of the entire conditional expression.
[4] That *exp1* must be <true-value> and *exp2* must be <false-value>

Reference: Discrete Mathematics Using Computer by John O'Donnell and et al.
(Second Edition)

My question: Is it possible that exp1 and exp 2  be different function calls
of another functions (separately) elsewhere within the same program?
Note: My Boolean_expression is Boolean
         My *exp1* is a function call elsewhere within the same program
(more like a subroutine)
         My *exp2* is another function call also elsewhere within the same

South Africa
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