[Haskell-cafe] what is the fastest way to extract variables from a proposition?

Ryan Ingram ryani.spam at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 21:51:30 EST 2008

It depends what you mean by "faster"; more efficient (runtime) or less
typing (programmer time!)

For the former, you have basically the best implementation there is;
you are basically encoding the continuation of (++) into the
accumulating list of arguments to evs.  You might want to consider
difference lists to simplify the definition, however; the performance
should be comparable:

newtype DList a = DL ([a] -> [a])

dlToList :: DList a -> [a]
dlToList (DL l) = l []

dlSingleton :: a -> DList a
dlSingleton = DL . (:)

dlConcat :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a
dlConcat (DL l1) (DL l2) = DL (l1 . l2)

varsDL :: Prp a -> DList a
varsDL (Var a) = dlSingleton a
varsDL (Not a) = varsDL a
varsDL (Or a b) = varsDL a `dlConcat` varsDL b
-- etc.

If you want less typing, consider some form of generics programming
such as using "Scrap your Boilerplate"; see

data Prp a = ... deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)

-- note that this gives the wrong result for Prp Bool because of Cns.
-- this is fixable, see http://www.cs.vu.nl/boilerplate/testsuite/foldTree.hs
varsGeneric :: forall a. Typeable a => Prp a -> [a]
varsGeneric = listify (\x -> case (x :: a) of _ -> True)

  -- ryan

On 2/20/08, Cetin Sert <cetin.sert at gmail.com> wrote:
> -- proposition
> data Prp a = Var a
>            | Not (Prp a)
>            | Or  (Prp a) (Prp a)
>            | And (Prp a) (Prp a)
>            | Imp (Prp a) (Prp a)
>            | Xor (Prp a) (Prp a)
>            | Eqv (Prp a) (Prp a)
>            | Cns Bool
>            deriving (Show, Eq)
> -- Here are to variable extraction methods
> -- variable extraction reference imp.
> -- Graham Hutton: Programming in Haskell, 107
> vars_ :: Prp a → [a]
> vars_ (Cns _)   = []
> vars_ (Var x)   = [x]
> vars_ (Not p)   = vars_ p
> vars_ (Or  p q) = vars_ p ++ vars_ q
> vars_ (And p q) = vars_ p ++ vars_ q
> vars_ (Imp p q) = vars_ p ++ vars_ q
> vars_ (Xor p q) = vars_ p ++ vars_ q
> vars_ (Eqv p q) = vars_ p ++ vars_ q
> -- variable extraction new * this is faster
> vars :: Prp a → [a]
> vars p = evs [p]
>   where
>     evs []           = []
>     evs (Cns _  :ps) = []
>     evs (Var x  :ps) = x:evs ps
>     evs (Not p  :ps) = evs (p:ps)
>     evs (Or  p q:ps) = evs (p:q:ps)
>     evs (And p q:ps) = evs (p:q:ps)
>     evs (Imp p q:ps) = evs (p:q:ps)
>     evs (Xor p q:ps) = evs (p:q:ps)
>     evs (Eqv p q:ps) = evs (p:q:ps)
> -- for  : Not (Imp (Or (Var 'p') (Var 'q')) (Var p))
> -- vars_: ['p','q','p']
> -- vars : ['p','q','p']
> -- order and the fact that 'p' appears twice being irrelevant:
> -- is there an even faster way to do this?
> --
> -- Cetin Sert
> -- www.corsis.de
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