[Haskell-cafe] Re: A question about "monad laws"

Andrew Butterfield Andrew.Butterfield at cs.tcd.ie
Mon Feb 11 10:59:46 EST 2008

Andrew Butterfield wrote:
> let m denote the "list monad" (hypothetically). Let's instantiate:
> return :: x -> [x]
> return x = [x,x]
> (>>=) :: [x] -> (x -> [y]) -> [y]
> xs >>= f   =  concat ((map f) xs)
> Let g n = [show n]
> Here  (return 1 >>= g ) [1,2,3] = ["1","1","1","1","1","1"]
> but  g[1,2,3] = ["1","2","3"],
> thus violating the first monad law   | return 
> <http://haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/libraries/base/Prelude.html#v:return> 
> a >>= 
> <http://haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/libraries/base/Prelude.html#v:&gt;&gt;=> 
> f  =  f a
I messed this up - I was trying for the simplest example I could get ! 

Start over:

Program ----------------------------------------------------

module BadMonad where
import Monad

newtype MyList t = MyList [t]

instance Show t => Show (MyList t) where
  show (MyList xs) = show xs

unmylist (MyList xs) = xs

myconcat xs = MyList (concat (map unmylist xs))

instance Monad MyList  where
  return x  =  MyList [x,x]
  (MyList xs) >>= f  =  myconcat ((map f) xs)

i2s :: Int -> MyList Char
i2s x = MyList (show x)

m = i2s 9

Hugs transcript ----------------------------------------

BadMonad> m
"9" :: MyList Char
BadMonad> m >>= return
"99" :: MyList Char

We violate the second law (Right Identity, m = m >>= return )

Andrew Butterfield     Tel: +353-1-896-2517     Fax: +353-1-677-2204
Foundations and Methods Research Group Director.
Course Director, B.A. (Mod.) in CS and ICT degrees, Year 4.
Department of Computer Science, Room F.13, O'Reilly Institute,
Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland.

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