[Haskell-cafe] Re: Data.Ord and Heaps
apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Wed Feb 6 09:58:23 EST 2008
Roberto Zunino wrote:
>> I'd really like to write
>> class (forall a . Ord p a) => OrdPolicy p where
>> but I guess that's (currently) not possible.
> Actually, it seems that something like this can be achieved, at some price.
> data O a where O :: Ord a => O a
> data O1 p where O1:: (forall a . Ord a => O (p a)) -> O1 p
Ah, very nice :)
> First, I change the statement ;-) to
> class (forall a . Ord a => Ord p a) => OrdPolicy p
> since I guess this is what you really want.
Right, modulo the fact that I also forgot the parenthesis
class (forall a . Ord a => Ord (p a)) => OrdPolicy p
So, the intention is to automatically have the instance
instance (OrdPolicy p, Ord a) => Ord (p a) where
which can be obtained from your GADT proof
compare = case ordAll of
O1 o -> case o of
(O :: O (p a)) -> compare
This instance declaration is a bit problematic because it contains only
type variables. Fortunately, the phantom type approach doesn't have this
data OrdBy p a = OrdBy { unOrdBy :: a }
data O a where O :: Ord a => O a
class OrdPolicy p where -- simplified O1
ordAll :: Ord a => O (OrdBy p a)
instance (Ord a, OrdPolicy p) => Ord (OrdBy p a) where
compare = case ordAll of { (O :: O (OrdBy p a)) -> compare }
By making the dictionary in O explicit, we can even make this Haskell98!
class OrdPolicy p where
compare' :: Ord a => OrdBy p a -> OrdBy p a -> Ordering
instance (Ord a, OrdPolicy p) => Ord (OrdBy p a) where
compare = compare'
On second thought, being polymorphic in a is probably too restrictive:
the only usable OrdPolicy besides the identity is Reverse :) After
all, there aren't so many useful functions with type
compare' :: forall a. (a -> a -> Ordering) -> (a -> a -> Ordering)
So, other custom orderings usually depend on the type a . Did you have
any specific examples in mind, Stephan? At the moment, I can only think
of ordering Maybe a such that Nothing is either the largest or the
smallest element
on f g x y = g x `f` g y
data Up
instance Ord a => Ord (OrdBy Up (Maybe a)) where
compare = f `on` unOrdBy
f Nothing Nothing = EQ
f x Nothing = LT
f Nothing y = GT
f (Just x) (Just y) = compare x y
data Down
instance Ord a => Ord (OrdBy Down (Maybe a)) where
compare = f `on` unOrdBy
f Nothing Nothing = EQ
f x Nothing = GT
f Nothing y = LT
f (Just x) (Just y) = compare x y
But I think that those two orderings merit special data types like
data Raised a = Bottom | Raise a deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Lowered a = Lower a | Top deriving (Eq, Ord)
instead of
type Raised a = OrdBy Down (Maybe a)
type Lowered a = OrdBy Up (Maybe a)
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