[Haskell-cafe] Re: Incremental trasnformations (not Haskell topic)

frantisek kocun frantisek.kocun at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 17:22:07 EST 2008

Thanks Ingram. It seems to be exactly what I was searching for:-) I knew I
can rely on Haskellers..

This is from abstract ( http://ttic.uchicago.edu/~umut/papers/toplas06.pdf):

"We present techniques for incremental computing by introducing adaptive
functional programming.
As an adaptive program executes, the underlying system represents the data
and control
dependences in the execution in the form of a dynamic dependence graph. When
the input to the
program changes, a change propagation algorithm updates the output and the
dynamic dependence
graph by propagating changes through the graph and re-executing code where
necessary. Adaptive
programs adapt their output to any change in the input, small or large."
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